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Free SL Scripts. Linden Scripting For Noobs: MIT Media Lab Makes Intuitive LSL Script Builder. Created by folks with the legendary MIT Media Lab, Scratch4SL is an elegant and powerful offline tool for adding interactivity to Second Life objects, without having to first learn Linden Script Language's intimidating, C+-like code.

Linden Scripting For Noobs: MIT Media Lab Makes Intuitive LSL Script Builder

Dusan Writer mentioned it recently, but I was skeptical it was as easy as depicted, and decided to give it a first-hand try. (Years ago I gave up learning LSL after a few hours, so I'm a good test case in utter noobosity.) The Scratch client runs on your desktop, so you just have to leave it open in another window while running Second Life, as depicted above. Creating a script is astoundingly easy, because you just add interactivity variables (movement, chat dialog, etc.) which literally interlock like puzzle pieces.

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Script Me!

This site will help you create scripts for your Second Life objects. These scripts allow you to add interactive elements to your builds without knowing how to code. All of the script are released under a creative commons license, which means that you can use them freely! This site tries to map the way you think into the way the LSL interpreter thinks.