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Higgs Boson. Top 5 Implications of Finding the Higgs Boson | 'God Particle' | What Would the Discovery of the Higgs Boson Particle Mean? | Search for Higgs at the Large Hadron Collider #LHC# Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Senior Writer | December 13, 2011 08:04am ET Credit: MichaelTaylor | Shutterstock Scientists announced today (Dec. 13) that they're closing in on the elusive Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that's been predicted but never detected. Now researchers at the world's largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, say they've narrowed down the mass range of the Higgs, and even see preliminary hints that it might exist.

If physicists can definitively detect the Higgs boson and determine its mass, the discovery would have wide-reaching implications. Elusive Higgs Particle Discovered! When scientists convinced European politicians to invest $10 billion in the 17 mile circumference Large Hadron Collider, they said that discovering the Higg’s Particle was one of their main goals. This elusive particle was predicted by Scottish physicist Peter Higgs, but never proved, and has become an important part of many theories in physics; its existence, if proved, would solidify a lot of theoretical work. So sought is it, that Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman called it a “God Particle” — much to the chagrin and continual annoyance to fellow scientists, after the public picked up that name — and others have likewise used religious terms, calling it “the holy grail” of particle physics.

The discovery of the particle confirms the Standard Physics Model, and explains how particles have mass. This Wednesday, the Hadron research team announced that they have discovered it. Having such assurance, is important, for after all, we can’t see the Higgs boson. Did you like this? What Today's Higgs Boson Discovery Really Means. The boson series, in short and somewhat muddied recollection of the subject. Please do your own research if you want a fully accurate description, google and wikipedia are great places to start, cassiopea project has a video series on the standard model that explain it pretty well too.

The term 'boson' is a concatenation of Bose-Einstein, representing physical properties which are very alien to what we normally observe. The matter we can see is Newtonian, meaning it follows Newton's laws of physics. One of the more interesting properties of bosons occurs when cooled into a condensate, they no longer have deterministic volume, meaning even if you had millions of particles in this state they would still measure out to have the same volume as a single particle, in effect all occupying the same position in space. The only way to really know how many you have is to measure the forces, more on this next. Physicists reveal compelling evidence for the "God Particle" Turtles. Turtles all the way down. More lack of knowledge time!

Maybe the Higgs boson is the particle form of mass? Maybe in the same way that a photon is the particle form of light? Electromagnetism = Travels in photons (allows us to see light etc) Strong intecaction = Travels in gluons (holds protons together etc) Weak interaction = Travels in W and Z particles (radioactive decay etc) Each of these theories work pretty well on their own right and currently the Standard Model pretty nicely explains and predicts a lot of stuff. Higgs boson is (theoretically) one of the elementary particles. Higgs. Higgs Discovery: CERN May Confirm 'God Particle' July 4.