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Youtube new logo and design changes - PhoneLab. YouTube has declared a ton of updates today. Most importantly, the administration has another logo, consolidating the word-mark with a symbol. The symbol is the well-known Play catch, which now sits over the red blueprint of a CRT TV that used to be under the “Tube” some portion of the word-mark. The symbol is to one side of the word-mark on the site, however now and again the lit up symbol will be utilized as a shortened logo. This is taking off today. Youtube announces: Clean new design, Videos that move with you, Watch at your own pace, Adapt to any video, beautifully, Browse and discover while you watch, The administration’s portable applications have been refreshed with another outline that has the route tabs on the base (counting new Library and Account segments), the capacity to accelerate and back off playback (already a web-just element), and as of late a line of proposed recordings has been added to the full screen see.

Source from youtube blog.