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Goal Software

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8 Online Goal Progress Tracking Tools. You already know that if you care to accomplish anything, be it in the short term or long term, setting goals is critical. Now, the thing about goals is that setting them is easy, and losing sight of them is even easier. There have been times when I have set goals and ended up not achieving them. And I know I am not the only one. We all have experienced this situation, haven’t we?

I think keeping track of goals and our progress towards them is what most of us fail to do. LifeTango - Welcome to Someday! (Home Page) Five Best Goal-Tracking Tools. GoalsOnTrack - Web-based Goal Setting Software. Life Lists on SuperViva - Make a Life List and Find Things To Do for Your Bucket List. Set, Track, and Share Your Goals - Goalmigo. eLIFELIST.