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Rodrigo Olave

Visualizing Architecture. I used to draw a lot when I was younger and all but stopped sometime in college.

Visualizing Architecture

I’m not sure why, but I always find myself trying to recreate hand drawings through Photoshop. I’ve noticed that the workflow that I use to recreate drawings follows a similar procedure as that of actually hand rendering an image. This idea didn’t really hit me until today when I was creating some illustrations of a villa that I have been designing in my spare time. When manually hand drawing an illustration, I would start by laying out the line work of the building. Visualizing Architecture. In the previous wharf post, I discussed black and white texture studies that focused on pattern and ground plane elements throughout the wharf.

Visualizing Architecture

The above image builds off of those studies introducing color and material. Site plans are extremely useful in the design process and I wanted this one to be somewhat malleable as I tweak things. The wharf is on a strong axis with Boston’s Old State House. I wanted to be able to study this connection as well as the wharf’s relationship to the dense city fabric.

The site plan was therefore setup to include this information which meant creating one of the highest resolution images I have ever done. Visualizing Architecture. Visualizing Architecture User Gallery. Tutorials. Illustrator. Illustrator Training and Courses > Digital-Tutors. New Project: Train Pavillion. The last few weeks have been spent designing a new project that will allow me to experiment with some new rendering styles that I have in mind.

New Project: Train Pavillion

The past few projects were located in a dense urban setting so I am switching things up and going rural. I decided on an idea that I have been thinking about for a while and the located in a town I grew up in. Deshler is a small village with a population of 1,800 people and sits directly on the intersection two major railways. Photoshop. Shore_Lampader-Motel.jpg (JPEG Image, 785 × 625 pixels) AA Conversations. Hat-making workshop for Foundation students 5:00 PM 19 Jan 13 AA DRL Phase 2 Final Jury.

AA Conversations

25 Architecture and Design Films to Catch This Fall. The 2014 Architecture and Design Film Festival is upon us, with New York's stint as host falling from Wednesday, October 15th to Sunday, October 19th at Tribeca Cinemas.

25 Architecture and Design Films to Catch This Fall

The festival will feature 25 films from around the globe, four speaker panel events, lively Q&As after selected films, and many see-and-be-seen after-parties to celebrate all things architecture and cinema. You can find a full line-up and schedule of films on ADFF's website, but for now, sneak a peek and indulge yourself in ten of our favorite trailers: Brooklyn Farmer "Brooklyn Farmer" explores the unique challenges facing Brooklyn Grange, a group of urban farmers who endeavor to run a commercially viable farm within the landscape of New York City. As their growing operation expands to a second roof, the team confronts the realities inherent in operating the world’s largest rooftop farm in one of the world's biggest cities. Visualizing Architecture. Adobe Photoshop - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Category.

How to Create a Fantasy Landscape Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Tutorial. In this tutorial you'll learn how to create a fantasy landscape combining different photos.

How to Create a Fantasy Landscape Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Tutorial

You'll also learn advanced techniques of blending and different techniques of adding lights to your scene with custom brushes and different Blending Modes. I'll show you how to get beautiful color tones and how to work with layer styles to create a glow around objects. Let's get started! Composite a 3D building into a photo. Photoshop Image Editing Tutorials and Training > Digital-Tutors.