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Evolve Your Hierarchy. Refactoring Game Entities with Components Up until fairly recent years, game programmers have consistently used a deep class hierarchy to represent game entities.

Evolve Your Hierarchy

The tide is beginning to shift from this use of deep hierarchies to a variety of methods that compose a game entity object as an aggregation of components. This article explains what this means, and explores some of the benefits and practical considerations of such an approach. I will describe my personal experience in implementing this system on a large code base, including how to sell the idea to other programmers and management. Different games have different requirements as to what is needed in a game entity, but in most games the concept of a game entity is quite similar. Some example entities: MissileCarTankGrenadeGunHeroPedestrianAlienJetpackMed-kitRock Entities can usually do various things. As development progresses, we usually need to add various points of functionality to the entities.

Why so long? Resources. Community Core Vision. Vvvv - a multipurpose toolkit. CSharpPlugin - cocoa-sharp-dev - This document describes the installation, use and some of the background details of an Xcode plugin that allows the use of the Mono C# development environment. - Project Hosting on Google Code. Susan Mackay This document describes the installation, use and some of the background details of an Xcode plugin that allows the use of the Mono C# development environment.

CSharpPlugin - cocoa-sharp-dev - This document describes the installation, use and some of the background details of an Xcode plugin that allows the use of the Mono C# development environment. - Project Hosting on Google Code

If you just want to get the code installed and running, then please start at the "Installation" section. If you want to understand how this plugin came about and how it operates (also why it has some of the ways of doing things and limitations that it has) then please read the introductory sections. If you just want to get started, then follow these instructions. Be warned that they assume you know your way around the file system, and they do not cover the gotcha's: For the more adventurous, you can install from source: View the source code from Get the source code from Compile code in XCode.

Starting Xcode should now show executable, library and Cocoa# New Project templates under a 'C Sharp' heading, executable and library target templates also under a 'C Sharp' heading, and a 'C Sharp' new file type. - Tutorials - Interpolation Tricks. Contents 1. - Tutorials - Interpolation Tricks

Why 0..1 Range While making demos I've found different interpolation tricks to be extremely valuable. Adding little smoothness to all kinds of movement, be it actual movement of the camera, some object, fading of lights, fading in and out etc, makes things much more enjoyable to watch. MCSTL: The Multi-Core Standard Template Library. Doxygen-generated documentation The library is under continuous development.

MCSTL: The Multi-Core Standard Template Library

Therefore, please report all bugs and performance insufficiencies immediately. Sorting currently works best, as does embarrassing parallelism like for_each. An algorithm not available in the (original) STL is multiway merging. However, it is very important for both parallel and/or external sorting. Platform Requirements MCSTL should successfully compile with all compilers that support OpenMP version 2.5. Changes to Your Application You do not have to change any source code in you application. Sort, random_shuffle, partition, merge, find, nth_element, partial_sum, and for_each and friends as often as possible. -I$(MCSTL_ROOT)/c++ to the command line. -fopenmp to the command line for GCC, -openmp for the Intel compiler. Tuning and Customization For using any of the tuning options, you must #include <mcstl.h> first.

Mcstl::SETTINGS::num_threads variable accordingly. Mcstl::sequential_tag() to the end of the argument list.