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How to build a vertical aquaponic system. You can turn a small yard, a corner in a community garden or an unused space in your home into a thriving vertical farm for vegetables and fish.

How to build a vertical aquaponic system

A household-sized vertical aquaponic system can fit into a 3ft by 5ft (1m x 2m) area and feed a family year-round. Sean Brady, the aquaponics projects coordinator at the Center for Sustainable Aquaponics and Nourish the Planet in Loveland, Colo., showed us how to build a system from scrap he found around the greenhouse. More food, less water A vertical aquaponic system grows vegetables without soil in columns above a fish tank. It is a water-efficient and space-saving way to garden and raise fish. Proj_Denkwerkzeuge_Mattheck.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

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