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FLNW » flnw2_tcc. The edu poet in our midst. Of the issues.

The edu poet in our midst

Apart from the hypertext conversation we are having as being an intense example of how edublogging in Australia is really coming of age, I just want people to see how poetic Alex can be with his edublogging. I see us all in a darkly lit pub, on cool September night for the TALO Swap Meet in Dunedin this year, smiling over drinks as a local big guy belts out Alex's words MC style just for old time's sake. It will feel great to raise a toast to Alex and Graham afterwards as we enjoy the warm after-glow of the profound performance. So read on, and picture our half pissed, burly bloke performing Alex's words, in jaggered stops and starts or spitting rage - for a large audience of raucous edubloggers...

Ok, if modern day punk rock is not your cup of ... tea... then we could balance it with a lovely acoustic version as well I'm sure ;) Peter Shanks. TALO SwapMeet Yahoo Pipe.