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Socialnetwork. An Equation for Explosive Blogging Growth: Content Networking Social Media. It amazes me how some blogs take off and grow a very large and loyal audience so quickly.

An Equation for Explosive Blogging Growth: Content Networking Social Media

The rest of us can learn a lot from observing the success of others and evaluating what they are doing. There are any number of ways to build a blog, but most of them take more time than we would like. There are 3 elements that can come together to drastically improve your growth, whether it’s a new blog or an existing one. Individually, these elements are powerful and important, but together they can help build on each other and create exponential growth. Regardless of what strategy you use to grow your blog, quality content is essential. The quality of content involves factors like captivating headlines, readability of posts, the uniqueness of your writing, consistency, and more. Developing strong contacts and relationships with other bloggers, particularly those in your niche, is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your blog. For New Bloggers: Content Networking Social Media Network.

What’s your media platform for knowledge sharing? » Moving at the Speed of Creativity. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there!

What’s your media platform for knowledge sharing? » Moving at the Speed of Creativity

If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic. <div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> I love this quotation from Seth Godin, which is included as slide #83 in Marta Kagan’s new SlideShare “What the F**K is Social Media: One Year Later.” The word blog is irrelevant. What’s important is that it is now common, and will soon be expected, that every intelligent person (and quite a few unintelligent ones) will have a media platform where they share what they care about with the world.”

If you can get beyond the unnecessary profane reference in the presentation’s title and references in several of the slides, there are some GREAT statistics and quotations included in this slide deck for current social media trends. On this day.. Common Craft - Explanations In Plain English. Networks get things done.

Common Craft - Explanations In Plain English

Whether it's sending a letter or lighting your home. Networks make it happen. To get from Chicago to Santa Fe, we need to see the network of roads that will get us there. We see that Chicago is connected to St Louis, which is connected to Dallas, which is connected to Santa Fe. Of course, people networks can help us with finding jobs, meeting new friends, and finding partners. The problem with social networks in the real world is that most of the connections between people are hidden. This problem is being solved by a type of web site called a social networking site. Here's how it works. When you find someone, you click a button that says, "Add as Friend". What's really cool, is that you can see who your friends know, and who your friends' friends know. This solves a real world problem because your network has hidden opportunities.