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Moodle2.0. Tafesa. Concept_mapping_blocks. iMoot 2010. Sydney Moodle User Group 18. A general Moodle presentation. Theming Moodle - ThemesWiki. Course: Cert III in Engineering - Production Systems (Industrial Painting) Lightbox Gallery Resource. This resource allows you to create 'Lightbox' enabled image galleries within your Moodle course. The Lightbox system is a set of scripts than can be used to apply nice effects to image galleries - more info can be found here. As a course teacher, you are able to create, edit and delete galleries. The main configuration option involves telling Moodle which directory contains the images you want to include in the gallery.

After you've finished configuration, small thumbnails will be generated, which are used for the thumbnail view of the gallery. You can user the Image Editor to tag images with keywords which can then be used for searching. Clicking on any of the thumbnails brings that image into focus, and allows you to scroll through the gallery at your leisure. You can give users the capability to add their own images to galleries, the following screen shows the Add Image screen in action. Download Changelog Language Pack. Gallery Module: Gallery2 Integration. Hello everyone!

Gallery Module: Gallery2 Integration

I have installed Gallery2 in my root to be used by multiple Moodle sites. So it would be something like . Then I installed the gallery module . When I did the set up for Gallery2 I chose the mult installation option....maybe this is my problem. I should try it the other way...anyway... I have tried the view.php on the "most recent download" on the module download page and I have downloaded every single view.php on this thread. I have installed and un-installed and deleted and re-created my gallery database about 4 times. Moodle Journal. Review: Moodle Teaching Techniques.

I had written a review of William Rice’s previous book and noted that it was rather technical.

Review: Moodle Teaching Techniques

Moodle Teaching Techniques is more pedagogical and gets down to the details of how to develop online courses in Moodle. Moodle adoption is growing and it is probably the most widely-used open source learning content management system in the world. That makes this book rather timely [not like my review which I had hoped to write in 2007]. This is a good guidebook for anyone developing online courses with Moodle. The introduction covers some basic instructional techniques and then the book gets right into the “how-to’s” of course building.

In Moodle, each student can have a blog. These comments show the inherent weakness of the “course” model when used online. The bottom line for this book is that 1) if you are using Moodle and 2) you are designing courses, it’s full of helpful tips and techniques. External DB authentication. Educating Educators. Moodle Blog » Help! I can’t edit my Moodle topic summary – the edit icon’s stuck. MOODLE – e-learning,community and practice. Open-Source Learning Management with Moodle. Currently, an explosion is occurring in the demand for distance education in the US.

Open-Source Learning Management with Moodle

Large numbers of high school graduates are going on to college, and more adults are pursuing a college education. The demographics of college students also are changing, with more students juggling work and family responsibilities than ever before, which necessitates easier access to education. Furthermore, the changes in knowledge and skills catalyze the need for ongoing professional development of the existing work force.

In response, corporations increasingly are turning to distance education options for their employees. A learning management system (LMS) is a software system used to deliver on-line education. Start up and maintenance costs for on-line education typically have been high, with proprietary software solutions such as Blackboard and WebCT being the dominant choice amongst academic institutions and corporations. A single Moodle Web site can host a large number of courses. Moodle Usability Testing. One of our semester-long projects is to do usability testing of Moodle.

Moodle Usability Testing

We’ll be conducting a number of tests in which we give people a series of tasks to complete and how they do them. We’re not alone in this; we’re working with a number of other colleges (including Smith College, Reed College, Macalester College, Kenyon College, Earlham College and Luther College) who will be conducting tests of their own this spring. The goal is to find some of the major (and minor) pain points with the software; to see where people run into problems, and where the system could be made more efficient.

We know where some of the problem areas are from talking to faculty — the gradebook and file uploading are two obvious ones — but there’s a lot you can learn by sitting back and seeing how people work. When the testing is complete, we’ll review the results, prepare a report for the Moodle core team, and then attack some of the low-hanging fruit at a “hack fest” at Smith College in June. Taming Moodle - blog about Moodle, administrating, video, tips and tutorials. Moodle Tutorials.