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Podclass - Facebook fbFund recipient for application that enables teaching and learning online classes in Facebook. Facebook, social networking, public humiliation, online trends | Salon Life. The day that Kim Bowen accidentally sent a video of a woman shitting in a hot tub to 200 of her co-workers was the day she knew her relationship with Facebook would never be the same. “It was horrible,” says Bowen, a 30-something filmmaker, in the tremulous tones of a former bank hostage. “I’m a pretty wild person. I like a laugh. But not like that.” What happened was this: A friend (now former) posted a video on Bowen’s Facebook wall. It depicts a bikini-clad woman sliding into a hot tub occupied by two other women and a man. Seconds later, she is overcome by a gastrointestinal issue that sends her tub mates scrambling for refuge. This was cold comfort to Bowen, who uses her Facebook account mostly for professional networking.

In her haste, Bowen had clicked “Forward” instead of “Delete.” Fortunately for Bowen, Facebook allows wall postings to be deleted by the poster, so she spent three hours in triage, visiting page after page to excise the offensive snippet. The Social Web for Education. University Links Twitter, Facebook with Notification System. Campus Communications University Links Twitter, Facebook with Notification System By Linda L.

Briggs01/23/09 In a move that plenty of other institutions are sure to follow, Oregon's Pacific University has integrated its emergency notification system with the popular social networking sites Facebook and Twitter. The university subscribes to an emergency notification system from Omnilert's e2Campus that allows administrators to send a single message to a designated list of recipients on a variety of devices and in various formats.

Since Pacific has accounts already with both Twitter and Facebook, like many other colleges and universities, the new setup with e2Campus allows Pacific staff to deliver an e2Campus alert to any student with a Twitter or Facebook account that "follows" (on Twitter) or is "friends with" (on Facebook) Pacific. According to Lee M. Facebook 'encourages to children to spread gossip and insults' Don’t Miss These Twitter and Facebook Guides. Whether you are teaching a class, helping a friend or just looking for information for yourself these guides from Mashable are a great resource. The Facebook Guide topics include: Facebook 101: The Basics Managing Your Facebook Wall Using Facebook for Business How to become a fan of Mashable Using Facebook Applications Facebook 305:Advanced Topics.

Facebook partner saves teen from drug suicide - Technology - Facebook at 5 - Is It Growing Up Too Fast? Facebook for Incoming Classes: While Admissions’ Back was Turned. : Edumorphology. Brad J. Ward recently discovered that marketers from a company interested in reaching incoming freshman was out disingenuously making hundreds of X University Class of 2013 groups on Facebook.

The perspectives from both Ward and his commenters are worthy of some deep consideration. While backs were turned snubbing social media and Facebook, people with interests were proactive and hosted conversations they wanted to be visible in and a part of. This should not be surprising; it is natural. Here’s my thing: would Nike get accosted for creating “Atlanta Runners and Athletes” with a map of Atlanta?

CollegeProwler shouldn’t have to apologize for creating groups. Facebook is a free for all, and no group is the “official” group of anything just as @student points out. So, admissions offices could be like the record industry – they could make a lot of enemies by waging war on all of the people taking advantage of their own slowness.