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10 Ways the iPad Will Forever Change Education | Online Colleges. Free Technology for Teachers. 50 Best Blogs for Education Leaders. 12 Expert Twitter Tips for the Classroom: Social Networking Classroom Activities That Employ Critical Thinking. Using twitter in the classroom is becoming mainstream in many schools around the country and world. The challenge with any use of online education technology tool is the appropriate engagement of students in a meaningful manner. To this end, the successful use of twitter is about making connections with other teachers and students around the world to support significant learning events.

The use of twitter for improving student learning also requires movement beyond just collaborating with other teachers, pedagogical self-reflection, and professional development activities. It is essential to involve students in social network activities focused on research, data gathering, communicating with experts, examining other points of view, and dialogue within all curriculum areas using online resources. Online Education Technology Uses of Tweets The tips provided below are based on expert teacher experiences using the social network twitter. Making Connections between Learning and Concepts.