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Conference Humiliation: They're Tweeting Behind Your Back - Technology. By Marc Parry Tweckle (twek'ul) vt. to abuse a speaker only to Twitter followers in the audience while he/she is speaking.

Conference Humiliation: They're Tweeting Behind Your Back - Technology

Conference speakers beware: Twecklers are watching. They're out for blood. And you may be their next victim. Once upon a time, conference goers could do little more than passively fork their cheesecake when a snooze-inducing keynote speaker took the podium. We need a tshirt, "I survived the keynote disaster of 09" The Twitter "back channel" can be a powerful tool to quickly knit a gathering of strangers into an online community, a place where attendees at meetings broadcast bits of sessions, share extra information such as links, and arrange social events. The setting was a midday keynote speech before some 400 college professionals in Milwaukee.

It's awesome in the "I don't want to turn away from the accident because I might see a severed head" wayToo bad they took my utensils away w/ my plate. "You just start down the slippery-slope mentality," says Michael P. The challenge of visible twitter at conferences. Last week I gave a keynote at Web 2.0 expo NYC, and as you can see in the photo below, one of the interesting things this year was the twitter feed for the conference was placed on stage behind the keynote speakers.

The challenge of visible twitter at conferences

Any tweet with #w2e was put up live, on stage, a few seconds later. The slides, if any, speakers used were placed on the large screens to the left and right of the stage. I’ve seen twitter on stage, and presented with it up before, but never right smack dab behind me on stage. I’ve spoken at Web 2.0 expo before, and as in the past, the event is well run.

As a speaker I’m treated well, given a walkthrough of the stage, a microphone and slide run through.. a lot of stuff is done to help me do well up there and these guys spend money on things only speakers see. They hire a producer to manage the stage, provide a big confidence monitor up front so I can easily see my slides while presenting, which helps tons. Now I’m all for snarks. Speaking in public is hard enough. What not to wear in virtual circles. Academics might party in Second Life, but they can't agree on attire, writes Rebecca Attwood According to stereotypes, academics do not care about their appearance.

What not to wear in virtual circles

But in the virtual world, it seems, university lecturers do worry about what to wear. When an online discussion group organised a get-together in Second Life, where outlandish garb is the norm, it led to a debate about what constitutes appropriate attire for university representatives. Members of the forum, set up for academics with an interest in virtual worlds, were invited to meet their peers on Second Life in the form of virtual characters - "avatars". After the event, there was animated discussion about the outfits.

"It amuses me that two or three people were worried about how their avatars were dressed. Another, a university librarian, was less sure, confessing to being "very particular about how I dress in Second Life". Most agreed that, even in virtual reality, a degree of formality is appropriate.