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Homemade Deodorant. I've been using homemade deodorant for over a year now.

Homemade Deodorant

Prior to the change, I was using Tom's of Maine, but I was nearly always smelly at the end of the day. One day, I read a post on Simple Organic challenging readers to use a store-bought or homemade natural deodorant for one month. The rules: no aluminum (the main reason I stopped using antiperspirants), no parabens or propylene glycol, no added fragrance, no triclosan. I read the comments to that challenge, and many readers had said how much they liked a certain kitchen concoction. I didn't commit to the challenge, but a few weeks later, just before I stepped into the shower one day, I impulsively whipped up the homemade blend I'd read about.

Here's the recipe I find works best: 4 T. baking soda4 T. cornstarch or arrowroot powder (I've used both... most recently prefer arrowroot)6 T. coconut oil Mix it all together in a little glass container. Option #1: You can just keep it like this in the bathroom, which is what we do. So much shouting, so much laughter. Coupon Codes and Deals from The Simple Dollar Updated 2012. TLC Style "50 All Natural Beauty Products You Can Make Yourself".

Home & Garden. What would you grab if your house was on fire? I share my list, but I’m more interested in what you would save from the fiery flames. Freezer Inventory: Three simple steps to a freshly frugal freezer Download these handy freezer labels, a freezer inventory worksheet, and a funky freezer map for the coolest organizational help in your ice box. How to Organize the Perfect Pantry A story about weevils, teenagers, and other vermin stuck in the back of your disorganized pantry. Make eggshell seedling pots to sprout your garden for less Skip store bought plants this gardening season.

Cut your energy bill by 10% with an old sock These crazy sock critters can help you keep the cold out. Challenge. Well, we lasted 6 days.


On Saturday we had to free our car in order to run a group of errands for the Family Business in the next town over. And on Sunday we drove it to a wedding near Salem. We figure we saved at least $40 worth of gas by not driving it for nearly a week. Not driving helped us save money in other areas, too. For one, we didn't use any fast food drive throughs. Or how about this scenario: You're in Target getting toilet paper, dental floss, and a garden hose and your child sees some little trinket and it's only $2 so you let him get it. Well, walking everywhere forced us to plan better. We enjoyed walking everywhere so much than on Sunday night we locked the car up again. 25 clever ideas to make life easier. Via: Why didn’t I think of that?!

25 clever ideas to make life easier

We guarantee you’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve everyday problems … some you never knew you had! (Above: hull strawberries easily using a straw). Via: Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. Via: Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV or computer screen with WD40 (also works on walls). Via: Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band. Via: Overhaul your linen cupboard – store bedlinen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hunting through piles for a match. Via: Pump up the volume by placing your iPhone / iPod in a bowl – the concave shape amplifies the music.

Via: Re-use a wet-wipes container to store plastic bags. Via:
