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Learn About IIS 7. Automating IIS with PowerShell  | Windows Server Help. As with most areas of Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 , Microsoft is emphasizing PowerShell as an important tool for managing IIS 7 and IIS 7.5. The IIS PowerShell snap-in provides many new cmdlets and enables admins to manage IIS properties in numerous different ways. Select Windows PowerShell Modules from the Administrative Tools group and the system will load the modules included with Windows Server 2008 , including the WebAdministration module which provides the IIS functionality.

You may also import the module manually from the Windows PowerShell prompt using the below command: Import-Module WebAdministration Once the IIS PowerShell snap-in is running, you can display all the cmdlets it contains using the below command: Get-Command –pssnapin WebAdministration The IIS PowerShell snap-in uses three types of cmdlets: PowerShell provider cmdletsTask-oriented cmdletsLow-level configuration cmdlets Using the IIS PowerShell Provider Name ---- AppPools Sites SslBindings.

Windows Server Help | Archive | IIS. In this series of two articles, we will review some key hardening mechanisms for a corporate intranet hosted IIS 7.5 or IIS 7.0 web server running on Windows server 2008. These best practices would mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to the IIS 7.5 or IIS 7.0 installation. Microsoft IIS 7 has an inherently stronger security design as compared to its predecessors.

A default installation of IIS 7 , will only provide minimal functionality and any additional one, if needed, will have to be explicitly selected and installed by the user. This ‘minimal installation by default’ approach reduces the ‘attack surface area’ of our website. The less functionality one installs, the less exposed one is to attack from hackers and malicious code. Let’s dive into some of the key security best practices that we can implement to strengthen IIS 7 security: Secure Windows Server Installation Configuring The Authentication Mechanism.

Learn IIS7. Scott Hanselman - ASP.NET 4 - Breaking Changes and Stuff to be Aware of. ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) When multiple versions of ASP.NET are installed on a computer, the versions of ASP.NET are said to be running side-by-side. In this scenario, you must configure IIS to indicate which version of the ASP.NET ISAPI (aspnet_isapi.dll) should process a page in an ASP.NET application. In IIS 7.0, in both Classic and Integrated mode, the CLR version set for the application pool determines which version of ASP.NET and which associated version of the CLR are used to run an application. In IIS 6.0, a scriptmap is used to associate an application with a specific ASP.NET ISAPI version, and the ISAPI version in turn determines which version of the CLR is used to run the application. There are 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Aspnet_regiis.exe. For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, you can run the 32-bit version of the tool on a 64-bit installation of IIS.

This lets you run mixed 32-bit and 64-bit worker processes on the same 64-bit system. Side : When to restart IIS when making changes to your application. Knowing when to restart IIS to pick up various types of changes to your application has traditionally been a challenge. IIS and ASP.NET are both stateful software systems, which heavily rely on cached state that is loaded once to provide high performance. They also recognize the downside of being stateful - having to refresh the state when the underlying data changes - and most of the time provide mechanisms for picking up the changes automagically (typically via file change notifications/ReadDirectoryChangesW). As you can tell, that was a very general statement. The reality of it is that it can be difficult to know when and how all the different things that are cached are picked up, how often, etc. After I got asked about this for the 10,000th time, I figured I should provide a quick list of things that are cached and what to do to refresh them.

WARNING: This list is a simplification, and doesnt explain the reasons for why things are the way they are / go into detail. Thanks, Mike. PowerShell Snap-in: Run-time Data : Managing IIS with the IIS 7.0 PowerShell Snap-in : Using Scripts to Automate Management. The previous walkthroughs showed you how to query and change IIS configuration settings. There is one unexplored area left however: run-time data.

Introduction Things change, IIS is not different. Sites get started or stopped, Application Pools recycle or time out, requests come in and responses get sent, AppDomains get spawned or shut down. The IIS PowerShell Snap-in uses this interface and exposes some of its data via the IIS Snap-in namespace. This walkthrough uses the sites, applications and virtual directories that were created in a previous walkthrough. Sites and Application Pool State We're starting by querying the state of our web-sites. Site State PS IIS:\> cd SitesPS IIS:\Sites> Get-WebItemState IIS:\Sites\DemoSiteStarted Stopping DemoSite can be achieved with the Stop-WebItem cmdlet: PS IIS:\Sites> Stop-WebItem DemoSitePS IIS:\Sites> Get-WebItemState IIS:\Sites\DemoSiteStopped Starting works the same of course: AppPool State We want to do the same for Application Pools 1. 2. 3. 4.

App Pools and PowerShell. PowerShell Snap-in: Making Simple Configuration Changes to Web-Sites and Application Pools : Managing IIS with the IIS 7.0 PowerShell Snap-in : Using Scripts to Automate Management. In this walkthrough you will learn how to change simple properties of IIS namespace containers like Web-Sites, Web Applications, Virtual Directories and Application Pools by using built-in PowerShell cmdlets. The next walkthrough will cover how to change configuration properties on system.webServer sections and custom sections.

Introduction The task of the PowerShell Snap-ins is to offer namespaces that can be managed with a common, built-in PowerShell cmdlets like New-Item, Get-Item, Get-ChildItems, Set-Item, Set-ItemProperty etc.. The built-in cmdlets work against all PowerShell-provided namespaces. New-Item c:\testdir for example allows you to create a new file system directory, but you can also to create a new IIS object like a Web-Site or an Application Pool, for example New-Item IIS:\AppPools\NewAppPool. In the previous walkthrough we started using the New-item and Get-Item cmdlets. Often times you might have to change settings on these items after you created them. Summary. Powershell User guide - Comparing representative IIS UI tasks : Jeong's Blog. 1. [File System] Open Explorer window for Default Web Site's home directory Related UI Task:"Explorer" 2.

[File System] Open Explorer window for Default Web Site's home directory using "DirectoryName" property Related UI Task:"Explorer" 3. Related UI Task:"Explorer" 4. Related UI Task:"Edit Permissions... " 5. Related UI Task:"Application Pools" treeview 6. Or, you can use other task-based cmdlet(s) instead: NOTE: New-AppPool cannot use full path name such as “iis:\appPools\demoAppPool” like other user-friendly-named cmdlets Related UI Task:"Add Application Pool... " 7. Related UI Task:"Rename " 8. Or, you can use other task-based cmdlet(s) instead:Related UI Task:"Remove " 9.

Or, you can use other task-based cmdlet(s) instead:Related UI Task:"Stop/Start/Recycle" 10. Or, you can use other task-based cmdlet(s) instead:Related UI Task:"Stop/Start/Recycle" 11. Related UI Task:"View Applications" 12. LogEventOnRecyle property value shows number value, which is not human-readable. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.