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CPU Count

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How can I use a script to determine the number of processors in a machine? WMI Script to count physical processors in a Server. Detecting is hyperthreading is enabled with WMI? Q. How can I query processor cores or sockets using PowerShell? Win32_Processor Class. The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order, not MOF order. The Win32_Processor class has these methods. The Win32_Processor class has these properties. AddressWidth Data type: uint16Access type: Read-only Architecture Processor architecture used by the platform.

Availability Caption Data type: stringAccess type: Read-only ConfigManagerErrorCode Data type: uint32Access type: Read-only Windows API Configuration Manager error code. ConfigManagerUserConfig Data type: booleanAccess type: Read-only CpuStatus Current status of the processor. CreationClassName CurrentClockSpeed CurrentVoltage Voltage of the processor. Example: Value for a processor voltage of 1.8 volts is 0x12 (1.8 x 10). DataWidth Description DeviceID ErrorCleared ErrorDescription ExtClock External clock frequency, in MHz. Family InstallDate Data type: datetimeAccess type: Read-only L2CacheSize Size of the Level 2 processor cache. Level. Three PowerShell queries to obtain critical system information | Network Administrator | Functions in PowerShell. Here is how to create a simple function in PowerShell. The function takes a single argument, and returns the twice the given amount. Note that the function works on both integers and strings (PowerShell handles multiplication of strings by repeating the string the given number of times).: function MultiplyByTwo { $temp = $args[0] * 2 Write-Output $temp} MultiplyByTwo 42 MultiplyByTwo "Bluebeard" This is another example.

Function GetMem { $temp = Get-WmiObject "Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration" -computername $args[0] $MemInBytes = $temp.TotalPhysicalMemory * 1kb Write-Output $MemInBytes} function GetNumCPU { $temp = Get-WmiObject "Win32_ComputerSystem" -computername $args[0] $nocpu = $temp.NumberOfProcessors Write-Output $nocpu} function RetrieveData { $tmpNoCPU = GetNumCPU $args[0] $tmpMemInBytes = GetMem $args[0] $computername = $args[0] Write-Output "The Computer $computername has $tmpNoCPU CPU(s) and $tmpMemInBytes bytes of RAM installed.

"} RetrieveData "localhost" Physical CPU Count. How to get the physical CPU count for a server using PowerShell and WMI... It is a very common requirement for licensing reasons that you know exactly how many physical CPUs there are in a server. Checking Task Manager, looking at Device Manager, running sysinfo32, all report the number of cores and logical processors. There is no easy way to find out the number of sockets without installing specific software or having a look at the motherboard. The problem is worse when you have several hundred servers to check, a situation I was placed in recently. After a lot of research I discovered that there is a way using WMI. The Win32_Processor object has a property called SocketDesignation which is unique for the first core in each socket. The MSDN documentation describes it as "Type of chip socket used on the circuit I have written a PowerShell function that does this, note that it also takes the number of cores per processor into account for later versions of Windows: