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TinyMatrix.c. LED series parallel array wizard. Small Strobe Light. Interactive LED Lab Coat. This is an instructable for the Interactive LED Lab Coats, showcased at Autodesk University. Check out the videos below! The first is a demo of the colors actuated by the buttons. The second is a demo of the breathalyzer! (this will be explained later) Tools. Light up Leather Jacket. To go along with my Kanye glasses, I made a light up jacket!

Light up Leather Jacket

So, for those of you who haven't noticed, my Stronger Glasses absolutely exploded over the internet. The video has over 100,000 views! One of these viewers was a DJ based in New York City who needed help on a project. He had purchased a leather jacket from Zara: (Not exactly my style...) and a strip of color changing LEDs from Amazon: [Mind Gamez] LED Gloves Advanced Lightshow Tutorial 1/3. LED Jacket by Technicolour Fabrique. The Amazing Technicolor LED Fur Coat.