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FM 100 Hue Test. Architectural History. Part I, Ancient to Renaissance [jump to part II] For each example there are a handful of links directly to images, which open in a second window which it's best to keep at the left edge of your screen. You can also link from the building name directly to a second page focussed on just that building, with more images and links to pertinent external websites. Some images feature a second link. In these cases, the first will go to a screen-sized image, the second to a much larger image. This project is still abuildin', and we'd be grateful for any constructive comments or contributions. Please be sure to check the copyright policy before using any of these images. 00003. 00006. 00006a. 00010. 00010a. 00015. 00015i. 00020. 00020c. 00190. 00190a. 00025. 00090. 00090a. 00095. 00095a. 00100. 00100a. 00110. 00110a. 00120. 00120a.City walls, photo 1987, H. 00130. 00130a. 00135. 00135a. 00140. 00140a. 00145. 00145c. 00030. 00030a. drawing of Mastabas, from H. 00040. 00050. 00055. 00060. 00065.

Archaeoscience International. Archaeoscience is the study of all things ancient, from both before and after the arrival of humans on the planet. Archaeoscience International (ASI) is a scientific research and exploration institute which is non-partisan, international, and multidisciplinary in its efforts and is, therefore, concerned with the scientific observation and analysis of all things ancient. Research methods, expedition planning, publishing, and other aspects of ASI operations are at all times sensitive to the environmental and political setting of the research locales.

Our efforts are always multidisciplinary, drawing on the tools and techniques of many disciplines, and we seek to explicitly utilize what each discipline has to offer the others. We work collaboratively with specialists, while seeking to build a broader and more sophisticated understanding of the different disciplines and what they have to offer to generalist endeavours.


Dendrochronology. Software to Analyze Tree Rings Many computer programs are available for developing and analyzing tree-ring data. If you have questions concerning any of the programs, contact the original author of the individual program listed. If you or anyone you know has developed computer programs that make an aspect of tree-ring research any easier, by all means, let me know so that I can consider placing it on this page. If you're not sure where to start, begin with the Dendrochronology Program Library (DPL) as this is fairly comprehensive and has excellent documentation.

Tellervo Tellervo is an open source desktop application for measuring and curating dendro samples. The Dendrochronology Program Library Without a doubt, this suite of programs, written by Richard L. Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Software from the Lamont-Doherty Tree-Ring Lab TRiCYCLE TRiCYCLE is a user friendly universal dendro data converter application with support for 22 different data formats. ARSTAN for Windows Precon 5.1 WinDENDRO.