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Ike Leadership

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How to Make a Decision. The complexity of planning and executing Operation Overlord — the largest amphibious assault in world history — was truly staggering.

How to Make a Decision

The mission involved formulating deception plans, building artificial harbors along the British coastline, figuring out how to effectively launch 12,000 planes and 7,000 vessels, land 24,000 paratroopers into enemy territory, get 160,000 troops across the English Channel and onto and over 50 miles of beaches, plotting how to then re-supply those men as they made their way into France, and numerous other details. The task of planning all of these operational elements fell to the 16,312 members of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force.

But each of those individuals had a specific task to work on — they understood just one piece of the puzzle. Only one man had the job of putting all the pieces together, and that man was Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower. The window for the launch had already been selected: June 5-7. “Secrecy would be lost. Always Ready. Supreme Allied Commander.

Always Ready

Head of the American Occupation Zone in Germany. Chief of Staff. President of Columbia University. Supreme Commander of NATO. President of the United States of America. To read a list of the positions that Dwight D. And yet in researching Eisenhower’s accomplishments over these past couple of months, the thing that struck me the most was how truly unremarkable most of his life was–how late in his career he emerged into history-changing prominence. Thus of all the lessons I have gleaned from Ike’s life, this has been the most memorable: to work and train hard every day and every year, even when it seems your efforts are fruitless, because you never know when you will be called upon to lead others through a crisis, and when your goodness will get the opportunity to become greatness.

A Long Season of Stagnation: 30 Years of Missed Opportunities and Disappointments Just two days later, he was back at Camp Meade. It was 1942 and Eisenhower was 52 years old. How to Build Morale in Those You Lead. Dwight D.

How to Build Morale in Those You Lead

Eisenhower had unarguably one of the longest and most taxing leadership roles in American history. For two decades, the lives of thousands, sometimes millions, of people and the fate of great nations hung on his decisions. As Supreme Allied Commander during World War II, Eisenhower oversaw the greatest amphibious assault in history, organizing the largest air and sea armadas ever assembled and commanding 160,000 men in the momentous Operation Overlord.

After the success of that mission helped bring the war to a close, Eisenhower dreamed of going home to a happy and peaceful retirement. Instead, he went on to serve in five more globally pivotal positions: Head of the American Occupation Zone in Germany, Chief of Staff, president of Columbia University, Supreme Commander of NATO, and President of the United States of America. In each position, Eisenhower achieved great successes and also made mistakes. Truly, there is much to be learned from the life of Dwight D. Sources: How to Not Let Anger and Criticism Get the Best of You. On the Halloween when Dwight D.

How to Not Let Anger and Criticism Get the Best of You

Eisenhower was ten years old, his parents let his two older brothers go trick-or-treating, but told Ike he was too young to accompany them. Having eagerly anticipated a night of fun and freedom, Dwight was crushed. He argued his case for why he should be allowed to go out, begging and pleading with his parents to change their minds until his brothers at last headed off into the night without him. Completely beside himself with rage, Ike went into the yard and starting pounding away at the trunk of an apple tree, pummeling the bark until his fists bled.

His father finally pulled the boy away, gave him a few swats with a hickory stick, and sent him off to bed. After an hour, Eisenhower’s mother came into his room and sat down in the rocking chair beside his bed. “Hating was a futile sort of thing, she said, because hating anyone or anything meant that there was little to be gained. Dwight calmed down, apologized for his outburst, and fell asleep. Sources: