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induction training checklist

Good induction training ensures new starters are retained, and then settled in quickly and happily to a productive role. Induction training is more than skills training. It's about the basics that seasoned employees all take for granted: what the shifts are; where the notice-board is; what's the routine for holidays, sickness; where's the canteen; what's the dress code; where the toilets are. On the point of values and philosophy, induction training offers a wonderful early opportunity to establish clear foundations and expectations in terms of ethics, integrity, corporate social responsibility, and all the other converging concepts in this area that are the bedrock of all good modern responsible organisations.

Induction training checklist. 5 Ways Tech Can Make New Hires Feel Like Part of the Team. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

5 Ways Tech Can Make New Hires Feel Like Part of the Team

Once an employee is hired, our job isn’t over. In fact, it’s just begun. Especially when there are surveys out there that say 84% of employees plan to look for a new job this year, we have to make sure all of these new hires feel welcome and are successful. As we become a more mobile workforce, it’s essential to think of orientation and onboarding as more than just a single event that takes place on an employee’s first day. We have to retool our thinking to help employees become a productive member of the team, and technology is an important factor. 1. The first thing any new hire is looking for is information – about the company, his job, benefits, etc. Onboarding Vs. Orientation. By: Tina Praino You found the right person for the job but how do you retain them?

Onboarding Vs. Orientation

Up to 25% of new hires leave within their first year of employment and this costs the organization about 150% of their yearly salary. I would argue that most of these employees have not been properly introduced to their job functions and the company culture. Many companies have an orientation process which usually lasts one day and ensures that new hires fill out appropriate paperwork and have the physical tools necessary to perform their job functions. Onboarding, however, is not as prevalent. Onboarding is a structured three month to one year long strategy that is designed to fully integrate new hires into their company role and your company’s culture. Here is a chart that identifies the main differences between a typical Orientation process and a strategic Onboarding process. Onboarding, by design, immerses the employee fully into your organization’s culture. Like this:

Five Tips to Ensure a World-class Onboarding Experience. How people are treated when they join your organization determines whether they become productive quickly, whether they become engaged and participate in decisions and innovation, and how long they stay with your firm.

Five Tips to Ensure a World-class Onboarding Experience

Most large organizations do a fair job at giving new employees the basics. They teach them how to access the email systems, use voice mail, get office supplies, and so forth. But in conversations with many (ex) employees of smaller firms I find that not even this is organized in any formal way. Mostly new hires learn by asking others, as well as by trial-and-error. Even rarer is the new hire who gets a thorough grounding in what the company is all about, who’s who, and what’s really what.

In many of the organizations who win the best-place-to-work-in-America awards, orientation, assimilation, or induction programs play a major role in getting new employees up to speed quickly and in adding months and years to retention. Induction training checklist.