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Initial weeks as an expat living in Hong Kong - BSN Books. When I arrived I had all these images of what life as an expat in Hong Kong would be like. I would be living in a plush apartment atop Victoria Peak, with a nice Mercedes parked outside. Well it didn’t quite work out that way. We I arrived in Hong Kong I initially stayed with a friend. The agreement was for a week just to get myself sorted with a job and on my feet before going into the property rental market. I took me some time to adjust to the seven hour time zone difference so hadn’t quite got into my Asian romance in the initial days.

However eventually I managed to get a couple of interviews arranged. Eventually I got to understand that I needed to carry a backpack around with my interview clothes and just travel around in shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops. Eventually I landed a role on a bridge project (a slight change to the story line in Being Stripped Naked) that allowed me to move out of my friends flat and let me get set up on my own.