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Février 2010. "Linchpin" (le pivot), treizième livre de Seth Godin, vient de sortir. Depuis son premier livre Permission marketing sorti en janvier 1999, je ne rate aucun opus de mon auteur préféré. Conférencier hors pair (voir sur TedXParis celle sur son livre "la vache pourpre"), plume originale, Seth Godin offre aux marketers de la planête une vision inspirante et surtout iconoclaste du marketing. Source de buzz, sujet de polémique (lire le billet de Laurent à propos de Brands in Public / Squidoo, la société de Godin), Seth Godin s'amuse de cette notoriété et cultive son image de gourou avec application. Pratiquant le personal branding (son crâne chauve est aussi célèbre chez les marketers que les cheveux de Chabal chez les rugbymen, ou les lunettes et le catogan de Karl Lagerfeld dans la mode), il n'hésite pas à se laisser commercialiser sous forme de figurine en plastique aux côtés de Jésus et Mozart (pour commander la figurine identique à la mienne, cliquez ici).

Adieu Kotler, bonjour Godin ! Altimeter Report: The 18 Use Cases of Social CRM, The New Rules of Relationship Management « Altimeter Group : A Holistic Approach To Emerging Technologies. 18 Use Cases That Show Business How To Finally Put Customers First Social and CRM: How Companies Will Manage Their Social Relationships Over the last six months, I’ve been working closely with Ray Wang who is well known in the CRM space as an expert. Coupled with my focus on social technologies we did a deep dive on how our worlds are intersecting at Social CRM. In our opening webinar when we announced our joining of the firm, we made it clear that we were looking at the holistic business, across multiple business departments –not silos or roles. Companies are unable to scale to keep up with the social phenomenon We know that customers are using these social technologies to share their voices, and companies are having a very difficult time to keep up.

For companies, real time is not fast enough. Above: Framework of the 18 Use Cases of Social CRM How To Use This Report: A Pragmatic Roadmap Regardless if you’re in IT or in a business unit, we wrote this to meet the needs of both groups. Guide to Understanding Social CRM | Chess Media Group. Using social software to reinvent the customer relationship. The elimination of decades of inadequate communication channels will suddenly unleash a tide of many opportunities, as well as challenges, for most organizations.As Web 2.0 applications move more deeply into the strategic operations of enterprises, a unique hybrid of social software has emerged to help businesses deal with the giant sea of customers that awaits them on the other side of the network.

While Enterprise 2.0 tools, primarily aimed at collaboration, are certainly part of this story, they often don't help companies enjoy the full range of possibilities when it comes customer-facing social computing. Enter the rapidly emerging Social CRM space, an area that's become significant enough that there's now a dedicated blog on the subject here on ZDNet by the terrific Paul Greenberg. This year's rise of enterprise social computing is opening a new front line in many businesses where the old ways of engaging with customers is no longer sufficient or even competitive. CRM Strategies Blog. Socialcrm - Home. Relation Client Mag, le site de la relation client à distance -