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PHP Manual. Dynamically Creating Compressed Zip Archives With PHP. Ancient History I remember the very first time I encountered a ZIP file.

Dynamically Creating Compressed Zip Archives With PHP

It was back in the early 1990s, when I was over at a friend’s house to celebrate his purchase of a new computer. The computer vendor had generously included a bunch of shareware games with the system, all of which were compressed using the PKZip format. It took us a while to figure out how to get them out; we eventually succeeded, but not without first getting a crash course (over the telephone!) In the basics of using the command-line PKZip tool. The Internet has changed quite a bit since those early days, but the ZIP format has nevertheless remained a fairly constant presence in my digital existence (as I suspect it has for many other developers and even casual Web surfers). PHP too has included support for the ZIP format since PHP 4.x but it was only recently when, idly browsing the PHP manual, I realized that PHP 5.2.0 includes a re-engineered version of the ext/zip extension, one based on the zlib library.

<? <? ASCII HTML Codes - HTML Special Characters in the ASCII Set. The following list includes the HTML codes for the ASCII symbols used on Web pages.

ASCII HTML Codes - HTML Special Characters in the ASCII Set

The first section includes the first 255 character codes and their related HTML codes. Then, at the bottom you'll find some other symbols that don't have ASCII designations and the HTML codes to create them. Not all browsers support all the codes, so be sure to test your HTML codes before you use them. See the Codes | HTML Country Codes | HTML Language Codes | HTML Codes and Special Characters How to Use HTML Codes for Special Characters Characters for Specific Languages and Uses:Czech, Slovak, and Slovenian | French | German | Greek | Hawaiian | Italian | Polish | Romanian | Russian (Cyrillic) | Spanish | Turkish | Currency Codes | Mathematical Codes | Punctuation Codes | Pronunciation Codes | Diacritics Codes | ASCII Codes Sub-Set.

Format Strings for printf and sprintf. Expand the format-string by substitution from the arglist, and send the result to standard output or return the result to the calling expression, respectively.

Format Strings for printf and sprintf

Most characters are copied verbatim from the format-string to the output. Conversion specifications, which start with a % and end with a format letter, are an exception. Each conversion specification is replaced by one argument from the arglist, formatted in a characteristic way as follows: Between the % and the format letter there may be any of the following: