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Revision Ideas

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Revision Carousel.. and other Rides at the Exam-Fair | meridianvale. Someone asked for some revision suggestions recently. They were suddenly covering for an absent colleague with a few hours notice for a full day Y11 revision day. These are some of the techniques I’ve used which have earned their keep from one year to the next. The first two are for Geography GCSE groups. They may be adaptable to other subjects or they may kick off the odd idea or two. A) Collaborative Summary Sheets Give each pair of students a large sheet of sugar paper which you’ve already put headings on. The Routine B) Carousel Tables This is what I set up on our residential for a 2-hour session. 6 tables that groups of 4-5 students move round to every 20 mins. Table 1 : Mind maps.

Table 2 : Geography Dominos. Table 3 : Exam Marker – print off 3 exam answers from previous students – ‘high’ ‘mid’ and ‘low’ level. Table 4 : Revision flash cards. Table 6 : Consequence Chains: Pile of post-its of 2 colours. D ) Family Revision Day Like this: Like Loading... Revision Grids- Level 4. Whilst visiting the excellent MEDIAN blog by Don Steward, I saw his Practice Makes Perfect resources. These gave me inspiration to create a set of revision resources that were based on levels so pupils could use them to prepare for their assessments. Allow me to introduce: Revision Grids. The idea is that there is a grid of 20 cells on a page with each cell containing a revision question. Putting the questions in this grid arrangement gives you a lot of options as a teacher for making your revision lessons more fun and engaging. You can use them just as straightforward worksheets for individual or pair work.

Alternatively, they can be used as a ‘4 in a line’ game where pupils take it in turns to answer a question and if they get it right they put a coloured counter on the square. First to get 4 in a line wins. I am going to create more Revision Grid packs that cover the whole curriculum at a particular level. Click here to download the Revision Grids Level 4 pack.