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19 Tips, Tricks and Apps for Classroom Management. Classroom management apps can be a great time saver and help you better organize your classroom, teaching work, and be a better teacher.

19 Tips, Tricks and Apps for Classroom Management

If anyone tells you that an iPad is just for playing Angry Birds, this list of teacher tools and classroom management apps is sure to change their mind. MY NEW COURSE IS HERE - And its FREE! 10 Things You Didn't Know About Being an NQT. What do we not know about (NQTs) newly qualified teachers working in schools?

10 Things You Didn't Know About Being an NQT

During the summer, there will be 1,000s of newly qualified teachers embarking on their career in schools. I write to offer well-known facts about teachers starting their careers and hope that NQTs reach out to colleagues on Twitter, if they lack the support they may need in their own department/school. Below are 10 things NQTs have to endure throughout their first year of teaching.

Some but not all, will successfully gain their (QTS) Qualified Teacher Status, yet fail their induction period.Some but not all, will come from traditional BEd, PGCE and School Direct routes, others from Teach First and SCITT.Some but not all, will be told to plan lessons in detail, considering lesson activity by time, not by learning.Some but not all, will struggle with behaviour management.Some but not all, will be given their own classroom space to develop their repertoire.Some but not all, will smile before Christmas!

How to survive your first year: a practical guide for new teachers. Surviving the tough times Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

How to survive your first year: a practical guide for new teachers

The first year is bewildering. How to handle parents: a survival guide for new teachers. One of the greatest challenges for a new teacher is meeting the parents.

How to handle parents: a survival guide for new teachers

Six classroom management tips for new teachers. As a new teacher facing their first classroom experience, you will have no doubt been bombarded with information.

Six classroom management tips for new teachers

It’s hard to know what’s important and what can go to the bottom of your priority list. Well here’s the straight scoop: everything takes a back seat to classroom management because if you can’t effectively control your classroom, nothing will work as it should. You must master this one area first otherwise teaching can be especially unforgiving. While there are hundreds of possible strategies at your disposal, a few are absolutely critical. Stick with the following cornerstone principles from the first day of school to the last and you’ll have a successful year of teaching. Smile The oft-repeated recommendation that you should never smile in the first two months of the school year is hogwash. Dear NQT, teaching isn't easy but here's how to enjoy the adventure.

Dear newly-qualified teacher, Welcome to the profession and congratulations.

Dear NQT, teaching isn't easy but here's how to enjoy the adventure

You’ve chosen a career path which is noble and challenging, varied and fulfilling. 5 vital tips for NQTs starting their careers in September. As an NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher), starting your first teaching job can be a daunting, anxiety-inducing prospect.

5 vital tips for NQTs starting their careers in September

Even after years of theoretical study, placements, and examinations, the responsibility of having their own classtoom and set of students can still be a serious cause for concern for young teachers. But remember every teacher has to start somewhere – and no NQT is the finished article by the time they start working. Classroom Management. Standard Posted by Mia Posted on April 20, 2013 Posted under Teacher Infographics, Teaching Anyone Comments.

Classroom Management

NQT. Pivotaled. Ten tips to help NQTs survive their first year in the classroom. Education behaviour specialist Tracey Lawrence throws NQTs a lifeline with top tips on how to manage a classroom for the first time.

Ten tips to help NQTs survive their first year in the classroom

Photograph: Alamy I am currently working on a training session for NQTs on how to prepare for teaching children with special educational needs. With a particular interest in behaviour, I started thinking about all the lessons I learned as an NQT. I was fresh out of university with my first in education and psychology. After completing my PGCE in primary education, after one hard placement I thought I could cope with whatever was thrown at me. Induction - getting started as an NQT. Comment:5 average rating | Comments (1)Last Updated:10 January, 2014Section:Resources The beginning of every teaching career can be a very daunting time, during which questions, uncertainties and stress are a part of the process.

Induction - getting started as an NQT

To help ease the pressure we have gathered plenty of material as shared by the teaching community on TES, and selected for quality by our NQT specialists. Starting Out Guide for New Teachers. Bennett's tenets: My behaviour guides for going back to school. It’s back to school for many teachers next week- including me- and most of us are already walking like shades through the crepuscular hinterland, the limbo that joins Summer Time to School Time.

And here time, defying all mastery, speeds up. It surges like a rising river and carries you into the future. And they’re waiting for you. The children: your mission, nemeses and inspiration. Some will sit cleanly and listen; some will dispute every second’s direction you give them. Classroom management is one of the two or three most important skills a teacher needs to possess; such a pity the way we train teachers frequently leaves them as blissfully unprepared as Pearl Harbour for the demands of running a room, the art and magic of taking 25 souls on the same boat as you. So, if you’re new to the classroom, new to the kids, or just looking for some pointers, here are some maps. I hope you find some of these useful. Tom 1. Every room needs rules. 2. For God’s sake, have a seating plan. 3. 4.

A collection of posts for NQTs. Top tips for teaching EAL pupils. Just as all English-speaking pupils have thir own individual learning needs, so too do EAL pupils. It's crucial that you remember that the fluency of EAL pupils in speaking, reading and writing English does not necessarily reflect their cognitive ability. Be very careful not to create a 'one size fits all' model of provision for these pupils. Having said this, there are certain generalized principles involved in the teaching of EAL pupils and with that in mind I've pulled together the following advice • Make sure that you carry out some basic research into the cultural and personal backgrounds of the EAL pupils in your classes. • Ensure that these pupils are comfortable in the classroom. . • Ensure that you start each lesson by explaining the key vocabulary being used. Teacher Support Network. TES New Teachers. 100 NQT Tips -

Life as an NQT: 10 survival tips from those who've lived to tell the tale. The PGCE is one thing, but heading into school as an NQT and surviving your first year as a fully-fledged teacher is a whole new ballgame. There's no shortage of horror stories – teary episodes in the staffroom, breakdowns and behaviour management nightmares (I'll never forget the time an NQT friend told me: "I don't think I have been told to fuck off so many times in all my life"). In the jungle of school life, it's survival of the fittest. So we asked a group of recent NQTs, mentors and course leaders to share their top tips on thriving as an NQT.

If you have any more pearls of wisdom to share, please do so in the comments section below. James Cutler, originally from Hereford, completed his NQT year in July • Learn to say no.