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Basic Dream Construction. Basic Dream Construction This article is from the Hermes Reality Creator Series Books and or upcoming books. It is © copyright 1995 - 2014 by Tom DeLiso / Hermes Trismegistus. Please follow the copyright link for additional copyright information. Dreams are like the rooms in a house. Contrary to popular belief a dream is not merely some haphazard psychological event that occurs. Any particular dream in the Dream Universe, no matter what dream plane it occurs on, can be likened to a physical room. This independent existence of a dream, in relation to the dreamer, brings up a question or two. Well, upon leaving a dream that dream will continue its existence, on whatever plane it was created upon, independent of whether or not you did the initial creating.

Now, if you decided to reenter a previously experienced dream, as you can and do -- as the shopper can certainly visit the same store time and time again -- you will find that one of two things can possibly occur. You see! You see! Write a Research Paper. Edit Article Choosing Your TopicResearchingMaking an OutlineWriting Your PaperSample Research Papers Edited by Jackie Sinclair, Jack Herrick, Jamie Littlefield, Imperatrix and 75 others When studying at higher levels of school and throughout college, you will likely be asked to prepare research papers. A research paper can be used for exploring and identifying scientific, technical and social science issues. If it's your first time writing a research paper, it may seem daunting.

However, with good organization and clarity of focus, you can make the process easier on yourself. Ad Steps Method 1 of 4: Choosing Your Topic 1Ask yourself important questions. 5Don’t be afraid to change your topic. Method 2 of 4: Researching 1Begin your research. 6Get creative with your research. Method 3 of 4: Making an Outline 1Annotate your research. 9Finalize your outline.

Method 4 of 4: Writing Your Paper. New Tab.


Author Digital Tool Box. Tomorrow's Professor Postings. Plagiarism Check - A Free Plagiarism Check For Your Essay Or Dissertation. If you are serious about your academic career then yes, a plagiarism check such as that provided by Viper is not just a good idea, it is essential. In fact, a plagiarism check should come naturally to you as a spell-checker would. After all, when you have carried out a plagiarism check with Viper, you are absolutely guaranteed that your work will be plagiarism free and that takes a huge amount of stress from your already over burdened shoulders. Using a plagiarism check like Viper is absolutely free too, and available to students and teachers alike, so you will have no worries about affordability or accessibility. Remember, if you do not use a plagiarism check for your work, your school, college or university certainly will and it is much better that you should discover and correct possible areas of potential plagiarism, before they reach your tutor’s eyes.

The process and types of writing. Writing Tips: Paragraph Builder - WritingDEN. 5 reasons to quadruple the time you spend writing your title | Survive and Thrive in Grad School. The fundamental currency of academia is publications–their quality, number, and citations. This makes sense, as basically your job as a scientist is to plant some infectious memes–hypotheses and evidence that are so compelling that people start using them. Yet as we have easier and easier access to more and more literature, just getting your paper noticed is the first and most crucial step. And that begins with the title. Why? 1) First impressions matter. A lot. Spend some time with Malcom Gladwell’s Blink (you might first want to check out Wikipedia’s summary). 2) The 50/50 rule of headlines. Whaaaa?? 3) The 80/20 rule of headlines. 4) Write for search engines… The initial idea at the dawn of search engines was to add key words to your title.

Fish amphibian predation food web mesocosm NOT Werner we will spend our precious time on. So, when you’re finishing your next paper, spend an hour writing 5 very different titles that mix keywords and style (quality=design*content). Like this: Writing Tips: Paragraph Builder - WritingDEN. Regression Tools - Online Linear Regression. This page allows you to work out linear regressions, also known as linear least squares fittings. For the relation between two variables, it finds the linear function that best fits a given set of data points. • Copy & Paste: You can copy and paste data directly from a spreadsheet or a tabulated data file in the box below. Any character that cannot be part of a number -space, comma, tabulation...- is considered a column separator. By default commas are considered column separators; in the case you are using them as decimal separators check the option below. . • Insert manually & See details: If you prefer you can insert all the points manually, for which you first have to specify the number of data points.

The 10 Types of Writers’ Block (and How to Overcome Them) Organizing and pre-writing. Writing series Seven stages of writing assignments Prewriting exercises provide key words, meaning, and structureto your research before you write your first draft, and may help you overcome "writers block. " These exercises can help you Focus intellectuallyand clear distractions while opening your mind to ideas within your subject Narrow and define topics for your paperand begin the process of translating research into your own words. Develop logical or architectural structure to topics you have identified.This provides a visual and verbal document for reaction, review, discussion, and/or further development in your rough draft. Use one of these four processes, free writing, mind mapping, brain storming, or listing and outlines to both develop your topic and get started.

(See the text versions below for more information.) Four exercises in prewriting: Focused Free writing Listing and outlines This is a more structured and sequential overview of your research to date. Brainstorming: Mind mapping. How to plan your writing. Planning using sticky notes. Extracting metadata from pdfs - comparing EndNote,Mendeley,Zotero & WizFolio. Note :This was blogged in July 2010, since then most of the reference managers have improved substantially so the information here can be considered outdated.

Interest in reference managers is increasing due to the increased competition in the area. Martin Fenner is pretty well known for among many things his reference manager overview , while Owen Stephens over in the UK has organized two conferences so far with the title "Innovations in Reference Management" The latest reference managers are not simple citation/reference managers, but try to take into account web2.0 trends, allowing sharing of references and recommending articles, taking into account workflows, (working with institutional repositories etc), but I think I'm most interested in the most basic functions of a reference manager.

Namely, how easily does it allow you to import references? It's not as easy as that of course. The 5 main fields I checked were 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oh well as I said, this is a totally unscientific test. WriteLaTeX. How to write a CV/Resume - Think Scholarships? Think How to write a Curriculum Vitae (CV) Print the CV on plain-white A4 paper, save some of the same type for the cover letter - did we say that you should never, but never!

Send a CV without a cover letter - and find matching A4 envelopes. If the announcement does not say anything about a cover letter, you still should send one. It introduces your CV to the reader, attracts attention to certain parts of it that you want to bring to light, or mentions aspects that for some reason could not be listed in your CV. To make it look neat, we suggest you use one of the Word pre-made formats, unless you are a computer-savvy and feel confident that you can produce an even better-structured and easier-to-read format. You will be able to introduce you own headers in that format; below we have a word of advice for those most-often met in a CV. Personal details - here you should include your birth date, contact address, email, telephone number and nationality. LaTeX Templates. Using the LaTeX Resume Templates.

LaTeX Templates. How to Write A Paper Using Evernote | Wandering Academic. If you want to mark the draft on paper: Evernote does a fairly good job printing notes, so use the built-in print function (don’t go to the trouble of copying the text and pasting it somewhere else, unless you absolutely must print your work double-spaced or you have some special formatting requirements that Evernote doesn’t handle. Once you’re finished marking the paper, scan it or photograph it with your mobile device (Evernote mobile apps have a handy crop feature for grabbing shots of documents). Add it to the notebook, give it a title: “! – Draft 1 marked” If you want to mark the draft digitally: From your laptop print your note as a PDF (the image below shows the PDF dialog in the Mac “Print” options), and then save it in an accessible location: Dropbox, an Evernote note, email.

As above, add the marked draft to the notebook, give it a title: “! Whatever method you use, leave the original draft intact, and put revised drafts in new notes.


Scrivener Tutorial Videos. Get up and running with Scrivener. The videos presented below are designed to supplement Scrivener's interactive tutorial (Help > Interactive Tutorial) by providing visual demonstrations of some of the program's features. Our videos are also available on [YouTube]. An Introduction to Scrivener A ten-minute overview of Scrivener that covers all the main features. Recommended for those who just want to get up and running as quickly as possible. [Small] [Large] (9m 57s) ScreenCastsOnline - Episode 275 We are pleased to sponsor a full ScreenCastsOnline episode, featuring Scrivener 2.0, available for everyone to view for free.

[YouTube] (35m 39s) Snapshots Learn how to take "snapshots" of different versions of your documents, review revisions using the Compare feature, and restore earlier versions when you're unhappy with your edits. [Small] [Large] (3m 35s) Page View [Small] [Large] (2m 25s) Lion Full Screen [Small] [Large] (4m 26s) Composition Mode Backdrop [Small] [Large] (1m 40s) Name Generator. Scrivener Writing Software | Mac OS X | Windows.

Docear - The Academic Literature Suite. Pages: < 1 2 3 > Posted by Alexander DeliyannisApr 21, 2012 at 02:30 PM Dr Andus wrote: >I’m a bit wary of the Swiss knife type approach to writing software. >While I’m impressed with efforts like Citavi or Docear that try to capture the entire >writing process, I’m reluctant to give up my freedom to assemble my own system of >specialist software for the various stages of the process.

I guess I worry that it >somehow constrains my creativity. I’m a bit wary of the Swiss knife type approach to software in general. That said, assembling one’s own system implies the interoperability of the components which is anything but ensured. . - PDFs for reference documents - Endnote format for citation databases - IE Favourites and Firefox Bookmarks for collections of URLs - OPML, tab indented text, MindManager and Freemind format for outlines - RTF, .DOC(X) and .ODT for final drafts It would be great if programs could fit together like LEGO, even more like LEGO Mindstorms, but they don’t. CiteULike: Everyone's library. Screenshots & Videos. Feel free to use the following screenshots e.g. in your Blog, or in Wikipedia to illustrate articles about Docear. If you want to see more screenshots, look at the Details page, or the manual.

The basic view with your research categories, PDFs and annotations (including bibliographic data) A draft of a new paper with PDFs and annotations, copied from your Library Your Library, with PDFs and annotations. The welcome mind map with basic information, and the note panel (bottom) in which you can create additional notes.

The right part of the picture shows the integrated reference manager JabRef.