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100 links para clicar antes de morrer. Este post é uma atualização de um post publicado em 2011 com o título “100 links para clicar antes de morrer”. Em dois foram mais de meio milhão de compartilhamentos. Atualizamos as informações e acrescentamos novos links. A lista faz uma espécie de inventário do que teve de melhor na internet nos últimos anos. Os links que compõem a lista contemplam os mais díspares perfis e abrange os mais diferentes segmentos e tendências: música, livros, cinema, fotografia, ciência, tecnologia, jornalismo, mídias sociais, artes e humanidades.

Toda a obra de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart para download O site disponibilizou para download legal e para audição on-line, toda a obra do compositor austríaco Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composta por cerca de 700 peças, totalizando mais de 180 horas de música. 1001 álbuns para ouvir antes de morrer O “1001 Álbuns” é um projeto audacioso.

As 100 maiores canções de jazz da história (com vídeo e áudio incorporados) A melhor rádio on-line do mundo. Twitter isn't Censoring You. Your Government is. It’s barely been a day since Twitter made the announcement that, going forward, tweets could be censored based on the local laws that govern a user’s location, and the rumour mill is hard at work trying to figure out the reasons behind the decision. At the same time, many Twitter users are calling for a Twitter Blackout on January 28, vowing to keep Twitter quiet tomorrow. While Twitter cited the example of the ban of pro-Nazi content in Germany and France, could there be more to it than meets the eye? Why is Twitter doing this? Taking a look at the hashtag, #TwitterCensored, a lot of fingers were very quick to point straight at the recent investment by Saudi Prince, Alwaleed bin Talal, without considering the fact that his stake in the company is a mere 3%.

Alex Macgillivray, the general counsel of Twitter, has also confirmed to BoingBoing that the move has nothing to do with any investments that Twitter has received. Does this affect activists? PoliTICS_internet_2. DNS Root Name Servers Explained For Non-Experts - ISOC Member Briefing #19. The Connected Company › The connected customer. In September of 2011, Bank of America announced it would start charging customers $5 per month to shop with their debit cards.

In early October a 27-year-old gallery owner in Los Angeles named Kristen Christian set up a Facebook event page, inviting 500 of her Facebook friends to move their accounts to local credit unions by November 5, which she called “Bank Transfer Day.” “Together we can ensure that these banking institutions will always remember the 5th of November,” she wrote. “If we shift our funds from the for-profit banking institutions in favor of not-for-profit credit unions before this date, we will send a clear message that conscious consumers won’t support companies with unethical business practices.” Christian’s groundswell movement quickly snowballed. Within three days 8,000 people had signed up to attend the event. “I was tired” wrote Christian in another post. A power shift. A single customer is as powerless as a drop of water. Information technology and revolution.

The Web 2.0 Summit Map - The Data Frame. Clear Your YouTube Viewing History, Workaround. Did you know that YouTube saves information about every video that you view on the video hosting site when you are logged into your Google account and also when you are not? And that those video views are saved indefinitely by the service? The saving of YouTube video views may be a privacy issue to some users. While you could say that logging out of your account after using the computer resolves the issue, it is not that easy. Why? Because YouTube keeps track of viewed videos even if you are not logged into a Google account or a YouTube account. Just visit the site, make sure you are not logged in and start watching a video.

Once you are finished visit the YouTube History page. YouTube uses cookies to monitor a user's viewing history even if they are not logged in. To make matters worse, there is only one option to delete the viewing history. This triggers the following prompt where you have to confirm the removal. Does anyone know a better way of clearing YouTube's viewing history? Crimes Cibernéticos: Dropbox a serviço dos malwares. [POST Atualizado - 05/07/2011] Poucos dias depois de eu ter escrito o artigo, o serviço Dropbox enviou um e-mail para seus usuários comunicando alterações em seus “Termos de Serviço” (TOS). Quase ninguém lê isso mas alguns profissionais de segurança se atentaram para as alterações e ficaram preocupados (com toda a razão). “So my recommendation is to delete you Dropbox account as soon as you are done reading this and worry about finding an alternative later. ” Simplesmente porque no novo TOS do Dropbox está dizendo que os usuários dão direito a eles de usar, copiar, distribuir, manipular, publicar, ou fazer o que quiser com os arquivos que deixam lá e sem pagar nada por isso.

Então já não bastam as falhas comuns do serviço que deixam os arquivos dos usuários vulneráveis, agora eles oficialmente dizem que podem fazer o que quiser com eles. A partir disso imagino que os links públicos do serviço devem ter um limite bem baixo de tráfego. [POST Original - 30/06/2011] Ronaldo P. What Facebook knows about you. Facebook logs and saves a lot of data about you and what you do on their site.

This shouldn't be surprising given the more time people spend on Facebook, the greater the cash flow, but just how much data do they store? Austrian law student Max Schrems, because European law states that citizens can do this, requested all the data Facebook had about him. He got back a CD with 1,222 PDF files. There was his log ins (above). There was message activity: And geolocation for pics from his trip to Vienna: Social-media-is-ruining-our-minds.jpg (600×5153)

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Tim Berners-Lee: El año en que los datos de libre acceso se globalizaron.