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"Allt flyter ihop" - fem trender inom innehållsmarknadsföring. Fem content marketing-trender i korthet: 1. Avsändaren är viktig. Vi vill veta veta vem eller vad som ligger bakom det vi konsumerar. Det gäller både innehåll och andra produkter. Om avsändaren är otydlig så sjunker värdet på innehållet. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why PR is your best marketing weapon — and how to use it. Our corporate motto should have been, “We’ve never heard of you either.” At least, that is how we joked at my first startup, Seer Technologies, which we founded in 1990. We had broken records by growing a nascent software company into a $118 million-per-year revenue machine. And we had pulled off a successful IPO in just five years.

Not even the legends of that time — Microsoft and Oracle — had achieved such a feat. Yet people would say they had never heard of us. To say that this was frustrating would be an understatement. This wasn’t for lack of investment or effort. The problem was that we didn’t understand the most powerful marketing tool of all: public relations (PR). Our cautious approach meant that we turned down many interview requests, and carefully scripted our answers to the ones we did accept. Generating buzz for a 12x valuation increase When I founded my own business, Relativity Technologies, in 1997, I decided to take a completely different tack. The strategy worked. Traditional PR vs Social media | bcm blog. Social media is driving change in the way we consume news and information and has forced many public relations professionals to reevaluate how best to embrace this new “teenage upstart” into an overall communication strategy.

Many companies that operate in the B2B sector, outside the “consumer” world, recognise the positive impact social media could have on their overall PR program but are struggling with how to effectively “engage on the web”. There is no doubt that social media has the benefit of stimulating a two-way dialogue directly with a company’s chosen audience, but how does it fit into an existing strategic communications plan? Understanding the relationship between traditional and digital PR, and leveraging the respective benefits of each “channel” is the key to success.

Companies in the B2B sector often fail to realise that social media is fundamentally a two-way communication. SXSW: Forget Stories. Your Brand Needs a Narrative. If you’ve spent any time at all recently reading PR and marketing blogs, you know that storytelling is a top trend, and for good reason. Building storytelling into the communications mix delivers the personable and engaging messaging that sticks with audiences and is effective fodder for social content consumption. However, at SXSW yesterday, I learned where stories fall short in a brilliant presentation titled “Moving from Story to Narrative,” by John Hagel, author of “The Power of Pull” and co-chairman of Deloitte’s Center for the Edge. The problem with stories, Hagel argued, stems from the fact that they’re not participatory. Stories are told to the reader, from the vantage point of the teller. This leads to the next problem. Enter the narrative. Narratives differ from stories in two important ways, according to Hagel.

“Narratives motivate actions,” Hagel noted in his presentation. Apple: Their charge to “Think Different” isn’t about Apple. From campaign to context Related reading: Press Releases With Multimedia Get More Views. Press releases that offer readers a variety of multimedia options (e.g. video, images, downloads) generate almost 10 times more views than plain-text messages.

A couple years ago, we looked at big chunk of press release data, and learned a lot about what drives results. We’ve discussed press release writing tips and tactics – such as headline structure, release timing and embedding links – that contribute meaningfully to generating more readership and engagement for press releases. But nothing – NOTHING – does a better job of driving press release reads than adding some sort of visual. Today, we’re releasing the results of another survey of press releases, and the benefits of adding visuals are clear – press releases with an array of visual offerings get almost 10 times the views logged by their plain-text counterparts. Ten TIMES. I think we can all agree that competition for audience attention is fierce these days. Author Sarah Skerik is PR Newswire’s vice president of social media. 25 svenska experter spår trender inom sociala medier 2013. Jag bad ett antal personer som är erkänt kunniga inom sociala medier att spå utvecklingen inför 2013.

I följande presentation delar de med sig av sina tankar. Det rör till exempel integritetsfrågor, API:er, Facebooks dominanta ställning, lifelogging, content marketing, internet of things och andra ”buzzwords” som vi kanske får vänja oss vid under kommande år. Ett superstort tack till alla medverkande som tog sig tid att delta. Mathias Klang, Anders Lundin, Stefan Ronge, Lena Leigert, Deeped Niclas Strandh, Jerry Silfwer, Micke Kazarnowicz, Joakim Jardenberg, Karin Eriksson, Emanuel Karlsten, Judith Wolst, Hampus Brynolf, Therese Reuterswärd, Brit Stakston, Anton Johansson, Kim Gustafsson, Fredrik Wass, Kajsa Dahlberg, Rasmus Sellberg, Johan Ronnestam, Tommy Sollén, Ida Nilsson, Mikael Zackrisson och Johannes Sundlo. Dessutom bidrog jag själv. The best social media advice for 2013. With the new year right around the corner, there's no doubt you are in the process of planning your marketing strategy for 2013. While much of it may be similar to last year's strategy, I strongly encourage you to revisit your social media game plan.

A lot has changed over the last 12 months, and without a refresher you may not be in the best position to succeed. If you need some guidance, I have you covered. I asked 12 of the top thought leaders in social media to provide you with the support you need to develop a social media strategy that will help make 2013 a breakout year for you and your organization. Before you lock in your plans for 2013, reflect on the tips below and incorporate them into your game plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. "#1 - Get better at email marketing. 9. "But who's creating all that content? 10. 11. 12. Based on your industry, customers, resources and business goals, there are a plethora of ways to craft and execute your social media strategy for 2013.

Fuskbyggen av personliga varumärken | Paul Ronge Media AB. Så bygger du ditt personliga varumärke på Twitter. – Jag älskar Powerpoint. Nu tänker ni, jaha hon är sån. Inte särskilt modern. Sen är det några andra som "tänker herregud vad hon skriker". Så inledde Christina Stielli sin dragning på Webbdagarna. Hon pekade på hur våra erfarenheter spelar in våra möten med andra människor. – Ni kommer missa massor av vad jag säger. När ni möter någon tänker ni "aha, hon är sån".

Ett möte är aldrig neutralt enligt Christina Stielli. . – Idag har vi inte jantelagen på samma sätt. Att bygga ett personligt varumärke i sociala medier kräver lite mer än att bli världens bästa hockeyspelare enligt henne. . – Det här gör att orden blir väldigt viktiga. En del tycker att det är det löjligaste de hört att bygga personligt varumärke, och det är okej enligt Christina Stielli. . – Jag jobbar hårt med att försöka hålla mig till bilden av vem jag är och vad jag vill förmedla, men du behöver inte göra det.

Vi kan inte utge oss för något vi inte är. PlaneraKartläggTänk efter Hon nämner ett påhittat exempel, @stressjonas. 5 Ways to Write Web Content that Entices the Brain. It’s getting more difficult to get and keep users on your Web site long enough for them to absorb the information you’ve worked so hard to provide. Most of us are so busy multitasking that our attention spans are pretty much non-existence. The fact is, if you don’t hook your visitors almost immediately, they’re clicking through on their way to another site. Most Web designers think that the only way to entice users to stay on a site is with flashy graphics and images. Very often, good content falls by the wayside; the reality is, content is key, especially if a site is providing goods and services. You have to ensure that in addition to providing the best possible images of your merchandise, you have content that will close the deal.

That’s why appealing to the brain is so important. The brain is divided into two hemispheres performing specific jobs that allow us to function. When users visit a Web site, you’re never sure how they view it, other than by what the bounce rates tell you. 10 Essential PR Tips for Startups. Erica Swallow is a technology and lifestyle writer. Sign up for her course on "PR for Startups" to learn more about getting media coverage for your fledgling business. It can be challenging for unknown startups to garner press attention — budgets are tight, relationships with journalists may not be that strong and explaining a new concept is difficult. Not to mention, early-stage startups usually only employ a few people focused on product and development. Therefore, marketing and public relations are often tackled piecemeal by whomever has time. Good press, though, can be one of the biggest drivers for startups looking to grow their user bases, and as a result, a pretty important component for success.

As a tech journalist, I've been pitched by hundreds of companies and have developed a taste for what works and what doesn't. 1. Before you begin pitching your startup, stop to think about what is truly newsworthy, especially to the publications you’re targeting. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Positionering: Den viktigaste strategin inom marknadsföring. Positionering är den viktigaste marknadsförings- och försäljningsstrategin.

Den utgör skillnaden mellan att upplevas som unik och att vara en i mängden. Den kan motivera högre pris, stimulera till lojalitet bortom det förnuftiga och locka till mer frekventa återköp. Positionering sätter kursen för varumärket och dikterar vad företaget skall och inte skall göra. Positionering handlar om att i kundernas medvetande skapa associationer till ditt varumärke som skiljer det från alla andra varumärken i din bransch – alltså särskilja det. Ditt varumärke har m.a.o. redan en position i huvudet på de som känner till det, vare sig den är ett resultat av en medveten strategi från din sida eller inte. Positionering är en medveten strategi för att förstärka eller förändra den befintliga positionen. Inom vilken produktkategori ditt varumärke agerar (eller vill agera), ochVad som skiljer varumärket från alla andra inom den kategorin.

Det som däremot fungerar inom positionering är att vara annorlunda. Please copy me » 9 skrivråd som gör din text lätt att läsa. Råden är hämtade ur boken Sälj det med ord! – konsten att skriva reklam (Mattias Åkerberg och Christer Wiklander). Illustrationen är Mattias Lundin pappa till. 1. Använd ett enkelt språk Den som läser kommer garanterat överge din text om den är 1) ointressant, 2) krånglig eller 3) både ointressant och krånglig. Förmedla ett intressant innehåll på ett sätt som gör det lätt att läsa. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Citera gärna, men ange källan Sälj det med ord! 8 simple tech tips for PR professionals | Articles | Social Media. It seems like PR and marketing professionals are always plugged in: every device must be Wi-Fi-enabled, emails come at all hours of the day, and smartphones are almost a necessity. Technology can make our lives easy and convenient, but you need to be smart. Here are eight smart tech tips for the fall: 1. Make relevant updates: Smart phone operating systems update every few months, and updating can do wonders for your phone’s productivity. 2. 3. 4. [RELATED: What job seekers should—and should not—post on social media] 5. 6. 7. Lauren Silverman is an account coordinator at Crenshaw Communications. (Image via) Journalist shares 7 common PR sins to avoid. After spending yet another maddening evening cleaning up my email, I realized that many of the messages clogging my inbox stemmed from oversize attachments, press releases completely unrelated to my beat, and back-and-forth banter that could have been avoided with one phone call.

As a journalist, I find that at least 75 percent of my e-mails are related to public relations. Below are seven simple steps to streamline our communication, respect my inbox, and make both of our jobs easier. 1. Know thy reporter. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Amanda Marsh is the deputy national real estate editor for Bisnow Media.This story first appeared on PR Daily in January. Marknadsförarnas hemlighet. Vad skiljer framgångsrika marknadsförare från resten? Hur tänker de? Vad, om något, gör de som de mindre framgångsrika marknadsförarna inte gör? För att få svar på bl.a. dessa frågor har IBM låtit genomföra drygt 1.700 personliga intervjuer med marknadschefer i 64 länder. Resultatet av undersökningen visar en tydlig skillnad; de mest framgångsrika marknadsförarna fokuserar på människan, inte på produkten.

I de mest framgångsrika företagen fokuserar således marknadschefen på relationer, inte transaktioner. De arbetar också målmedvetet med ”corporate character”, alltså i princip varumärkets personlighet. I dessa företag finns en insikt i att vad verksamheten tror på och hur den agerar är minst lika viktigt som vad företaget säljer. Därför vill de mest framgångsrika marknadscheferna förstå individen, inte bara marknaden. Vad gäller synen på marknadsförarens viktigaste framgångsfaktorer är det dock ingen skillnad mellan de mest och minst framgångsrika. Relaterat: Vad journalisten vill ha i inkorgen | Caroline Björkgren. 12 things to do after you write a blog post | Articles | Social Media.