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Branding: How It Works in the Social Media Age [INFOGRAPHIC] Branding and social media — they seem to go together so well, yet they're both widely misunderstood.

Branding: How It Works in the Social Media Age [INFOGRAPHIC]

While social media can serve as a gigantic megaphone for your brand, social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter can also give a company a golden opportunity to shoot itself in the figurative foot. What is Public Relations? [Infographic] In a world of constant communication, PR is once again taking center stage … but in a whole new way.

What is Public Relations? [Infographic]

To get a clearer idea of what modern PR looks like, we went to the source and asked you, our audience. About a month ago, we took to the PR streets of social media and asked our friends and followers to complete the sentence “PR is ____.” The conversation took off at the 2012 PRSA International Conference, and continued on Twitter, under the hashtag #PRis. The response was so incredible and insightful, we put together this infographic to convey the diversity and depth of the your answers. A special thank you to everyone who joined in the conversation! What is Content PR? [Infographic]