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Who are social media users exactly? Anyone who works in social media marketing will eventually come across the question: Who are we reaching? Every platform is different, but a new infographic that relies on Pew research shows, unsurprisingly, that 83 percent of people between 18-29 use social media. They’re the best-represented demographic, followed by 30-49 year olds (77 percent). Social media users are also largely urban (70 percent of urbanites use social media), and are across the board when it comes to income levels.

Perhaps most useful in this infographic is the breakdown of which networking sites are most appealing to specific demographics. Check it out below: (via Mashable) Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram Demographics | Pamorama | Social Media Marketing Blog. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram Demographics 67% of online adults use social networking sites. But who exactly are the people who use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram? Some very useful social media demographics are outlined in a recent report by the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project. The study reaffirmed that young adults aged 18-29 are more likely than others to use major social networks (83%). It also substantiates that women are more likely than men to be on these sites (71% vs. 62%), and that people who live in urban areas are significantly more likely than rural Internet users to use social networking (70% vs. 61%).

The analysis also takes a deeper dive into statistics such as the race/ethnicity, education, and household income of people who use social media sites. Facebook demographics Facebook remains the dominant social networking platform: 2/3 of online adults (67%) say that they use it. Twitter demographics Pinterest demographics. 3 Reasons Why There's No Measuring ROI On Social Media.

The most shared events on social media in 2012 | Articles | Social Media. When it comes to sharing content, 2012 was certainly fascinating. Between the rapid rise of Pinterest, Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, and Twitter … being Twitter, there’s no shortage of fodder or ways to disseminate information. Social plug-in AddThis compiled some of the most compelling data about sharing and the growth of various social media for the year.

Pinterest, for instance, was the fastest-growing social media site. Meanwhile, the most shared (that is, talked about) events of the year in social were the U.S. election, Superstorm Sandy, and the London Olympics. This infographic from Add This offers the complete timeline of the year in sharing: Check out the full infographic: Social Media Report 2012. 3 myths of social media ROI | Articles | Social Media. By Kristin Piombino | Posted: November 9, 2012 Every culture has myths, and the world of social media is no exception. While social media's return on investment (ROI) itself isn't a legend, many myths surround it. To help dispel some of them, the Word of Mouth Marketing Association offers this infographic.

Here are the myths to steer clear of: Myth 1: Measuring likes and follows equals ROI. Not true. Myth 2: You can determine social media's ROI the same way you would for traditional media, like TV. No way. Myth 3: You should measure social media independently of other channels. Nope. Check out the graphic for more insight: (View a larger image.) Kristin Piombino is an editorial assistant for 216 Social Media and Internet Statistics (September 2012) All the best plans can go astray sometimes and my pledge to post a new social media stats article every month definitely falls into the straying category.

In my defense I haven’t really been lazy, I’ve just been neglectful – which (at least in my mind) is way more justified. It probably may come as a surprise to some of you that I actually have a life outside this blog (which, let’s not forget, I do not get PAID to write) – it may be a sad, lonely, cat-obsessed existence but it is an existence where I do have to do other shit that actually pays the bills… which with my recent online shopping obsession, car purchase and overseas holidays seem to be piling up. Anyway I don’t have to justify myself to you. Yeah, that’s right. Moving along find below the latest statistics update for you, after the no less than 10 trillion billion requests I’ve gotten in the past couple of months. Oh and one more thing. I don’t make up any of these statistics myself. General social media and Internet stats.

Social media around the world 2011. 6 steg för att mäta Social Media ROI. Social Media ROI är en het potatis, och bristen på kunskap hos många företag om hur man mäter detta gör att man istället skippar sociala medier helt. I min mission att göra Sveriges företagare till vinnare på nätet ska jag därför i den här posten ge exempel på vilka kvantifierade krav ni kan/bör sätta på den rådgivare eller byrå som hjälper er med Social Media ROI . Ni kan också använda tipsen om ni jobbar själva med Social Media .

Definition av Social Media ROI – Return On Investment Social Media ROI = Vinst av investering – Kostnad av investering / Kostnad av investering Definition av Social Media AC – Alternative Cost Social Media AC = Besparing av investering – Kostnad av investering / Kostnad av investering Steg 1 – Kvantifierade mål och KPI Att göra taktiska insatser utan strategi och mål är som att ge sig ut på motorvägen med sin bil och blunda.

Kortfattat kan man säga att ni redan från början bestämt er för att misslyckas, då framgång inte är definierat. Steg 2 – Markering av nuläge. TS granskar och tar fram upplagor och distributionssiffror för bl a dagstidningar. Publicerade rapporter. 7 intriguing facts about social media marketing | Articles | Social Media. By | Posted: September 24, 2012 The fourth quarter of 2012 is nearly upon us, which means pundits, blogs, news sites, and more will soon ruminate on what it all meant. Before the navel gazing begins, we can tell you that this is the year social media fully embraced the image.

Meanwhile, Facebook also continued its social networking dominance (despite its nose dive on Wall Street). And social media continues to benefit companies that use it as part an integrated marketing campaign. All of that and more is represented in this snapshot of social media statistics from 2012 (curiously absent is mention of Pinterest): (via 10 Measures of Social Media ROI for Your Brand. It’s essential that companies clarify success metrics before launching their social media marketing and advertising initiatives. Social media success requires brands to reconsider their definitions of ROI.

That does not mean, however, that the tried and true measures should be summarily tossed in the trash to make room for new benchmarks. Nor does it mean brands should attenuate their expectations because “social media is so new and changing so rapidly” or “the metrics you need are difficult to obtain.” You can’t excel if you aim low. I have seen a number of brands default their success assessment and — oh, horror! — design their initiatives against readily available metrics, rather than what is relevant to their overall business objectives. Malarkey. That a parameter is available does not mean it is always relevant any more than if a parameter is difficult to measure it is not worth pursuing. Here are ten measures of social media marketing ROI. . #8 Raise awareness of products.