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Shimatsu - HAARP And How Fukushima Radiation Beamed To Oz. The oddity of an eight-fold rise in radiation levels on the Caloundra Peninsula in southeast Australia, as reported in the South Coast Daily, defies logic since nuclear particles should have been diluted and more evenly spread after traversing the distance of 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles) from Japan.

Shimatsu - HAARP And How Fukushima Radiation Beamed To Oz

Nuclear dust out of Fukushima actually travels over a much longer span before reaching Down Under, circling the globe several times and swirling madly due to air resistance to the Earth’s rotation. Since a radiation spike near Brisbane cannot be explained by the normal laws of geophysics, the hot particles from Fukushima must have taken a short cut between the northern and southern hemispheres. In fact, a fast track does exist, an alternative route via an “artificial radiation belt” arching through the upper atmosphere from Alaska to Australia. <b>MRSA: A lethal bacteria</b> Transmission, infection and death. What's really in the food? The A to Z of the food industry's most evil ingredients.

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What's really in the food? The A to Z of the food industry's most evil ingredients

The A to Z of the food industry's most evil ingredients Ever wonder what's really in the food sold at grocery stores around the world? People keep asking me, "What ingredients should I avoid? " So I put together a short list that covers all the most toxic and disease-promoting ingredients in the food supply. These are the substances causing cancer, diabetes, heart disease and leading to tens of billions of dollars in unnecessary health care costs across America (and around the world).

If you want to stay healthy and out of the hospital, read ingredients labels and make sure you avoid all these ingredients: Acrylamides - Toxic, cancer-causing chemicals formed in foods when carbohydrates are exposed to high heat (baking, frying, grilling). Aspartame - Chemical sweetener that causes neurological disorders, seizures, blurred vision and migraine headaches. Casein - Milk proteins. Problem gamblers, alcoholics may get same drug - National News - National - General - Merredin Wheatbelt Mercury. GAMBLING addicts will be given the same medication as alcoholics and heroin addicts under a radical new plan being explored by the Greens senator and public-health doctor Richard Di Natale.

Problem gamblers, alcoholics may get same drug - National News - National - General - Merredin Wheatbelt Mercury

See your ad here The Greens will today release a discussion paper on problem gambling, which calls for a trial of the drug Naltrexone - now on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme to help alcoholics - to help problem gamblers. It is also registered for use in Australia for heroin treatment, although uncommon. Australians are the world's most prolific punters, with an estimated $19 billion gambled a year - $12 billion of that on the pokies, the Productivity Commission has found. Senator Di Natale, who worked as a doctor specialising in public health and alcohol and drug dependence before entering politics, said problem gambling needed to be a public-health issue, not just one of harm minimisation. ''There are clear parallels between addiction to gambling and addiction to other substances,'' the paper says.

The Top 12 Cancer-Causing products in the Average Home « Smartklean’s Blog. February 23, 2011 at 6:14 pm Among many other cancer causing products commonly found in the home, this dirty dozen list has made it to the Hall of Shame.

The Top 12 Cancer-Causing products in the Average Home « Smartklean’s Blog

The Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) and Ralph Nader have released a “Dirty Dozen” list of consumer products used in most American homes, and manufactured by giant U.S. corporations. The “Dirty Dozen” products contain a wide-range of carcinogenic and other toxic ingredients and contaminants to which most of us are exposed daily. Talcum Powder– (Johnson & Johnson. Inc.) Labeled Toxic Ingredient: TALC, Carcinogenic and a risk factor for ovarian cancer; lung irritant. Cover Girl Replenishing Natural Finish Make Up (Foundation) (Procter & Gamble. Labeled Toxic Ingredients BHA, Carcinogenic. Crest Tartar Control Toothpaste – (Procter & Gamble. Labeled Toxic Ingredients: FD&C BLUE #1, Carcinogenic. Free addicton Books Download Free addicton Textbooks Online addicton tutorials Online book medical journal text book pdf chm zip rar. Two Now Former Fox Reporters Found Just How Corrupt & Far Reaching Monsanto’s Reach Is. By David Noble – End The Lie I decided to write this article as this story is a perfect example of how Monsanto and the Main Stream Media operate with no regard for our safety or the truth.

Two Now Former Fox Reporters Found Just How Corrupt & Far Reaching Monsanto’s Reach Is.

Fox News reporters Steve Wilson & Jane Akre uncovered a disturbing piece of information after Fox television told them to cover any story or subject that they wanted and to ask hard questions for a new show called the Investigators. Anti-foaming agent found in Chicken McNuggets. » The Effect of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland Alex Jones. Jennifer Anne LukeFluoride Action Network Posted December 19, 2011 Jennifer Anne Luke, 1997 A dissertation submitted to the School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

» The Effect of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland Alex Jones

Occupy the Food System. Nelson writes: "Corporate control of our food system has led to the loss of millions of family farmers, destruction of our soil, pollution of our water and health epidemics of obesity and diabetes.

Occupy the Food System

We simply can't afford it. Our food system belongs in the hands of many family farmers, not under the control of a handful of corporations. " By Willie Nelson, Reader Supported News 17 December 11 hanks to the Occupy Wall Street movement, there's a deeper understanding about the power that corporations wield over the great majority of us. No one knows this better than family farmers, whose struggle to make a living on the land has gotten far more difficult since corporations came to dominate our farm and food system.

From seed to plate, our food system is now even more concentrated than our banking system. Many key agricultural markets like soybeans and beef exceed the 40 percent threshold, meaning the seeds and inputs that farmers need to grow our crops come from just a handful of companies. Indian study proves that fluoride consumption causes brain, neurological damage. (NaturalNews) Consuming sodium fluoride, a toxic chemical commonly added to US water supplies to allegedly help prevent tooth decay, definitively causes neurodegenerative damage in the brain, spinal cord, and sciatic nerve.

Indian study proves that fluoride consumption causes brain, neurological damage

These are the findings of a recent study published in the Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences, and ones that, by all scientific standards, put to rest the failed myth that fluoride consumption is in any way safe. Conducted by K. Pratap Reddy of Osmania University in India, the study confirms that fluoride chemicals "cross the blood-brain barrier and alter the structure and function of neural tissue. " Repeated exposure to fluoride chemicals in test rats was found to lower body weights; reduce the organic somatic index of their brains; and contaminate their hippocampus, neocortex, cerebellum, spinal cord, and sciatic nerve tissues with persistent fluoride chemicals.

You can read the full study for yourself at: Sources for this article include: 14 Healing Remedies with Honey. By Vasant Lad, Yoga+ The fossil record tells us honeybees have been around for 150 million years or more.

14 Healing Remedies with Honey

No one knows when we discovered the treasure hidden in their hives, but paintings of beekeepers lining the walls of a cave in Spain prove that we have been practicing the art of beekeeping for at least 7,000 years. Honey is versatile. It has been prized as a sweetener, as medicine, as an offering for the gods, as currency, and as a symbol of love. In Greek mythology, for example, Cupid dips his arrows in honey before aiming them at our hearts. According to ayurveda, honey is the nectar of life. Ayurveda says that raw honey is medicine, but cooked honey is a slow poison. Foods that Feed The Pineal Gland « Kipnews. Our pineal gland otherwise known as our master gland or the gland that governs over our third eye is the center of psychic awareness in the human mind.

Foods that Feed The Pineal Gland « Kipnews

It is about the size of a pea and sits inside a cave located behind the pituitary gland. It naturally produces a hormone called melatonin which regulates human daily body rhythms that deal directly with the day and night cycles. Your Likes.