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México aún es limitado en el internet de las cosas: The CIU. El desarrollo del internet de las cosas en México aún se encuentra restringido, no sólo por las limitaciones de conectividad, su falta de infraestructura y su reducida industria de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), sino también por el tipo de tecnología móvil a la que los usuarios tienen acceso. De acuerdo con la consultora The CIU, la idea de contar con una variedad de dispositivos interconectados, presenta para México el reto de alcanzar un alto nivel de conectividad, ya que tecnologías como Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Banda Ancha Móvil, entre otras, serían los habilitadores de las múltiples conexiones entre objetos y dispositivos. El internet de las cosas, subraya, también depende de que las redes sean de última generación, es decir, que garanticen una veloz y confiable transmisión de datos y voz, características que idealmente cumplen las redes a partir de 4G.

Aeropuertos de México se modernizan con internet de las cosas. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- La tecnología conocida como Internet de las Cosas (IOT, por sus siglas en inglés) está generando interés en México, donde los aeropuertos, que conforman un sector clave del país, quieren aprovecharla para modernizarse, hacer más eficientes sus procesos y mejorar su servicio al cliente, coincidieron especialistas. Max Tremp, director de ingeniería de Cisco para América Latina, explicó que esta tendencia tecnológica que comenzó hace un par de años se sustenta en conectar todos los objetos existentes a internet, así como conectarlos entre ellos para obtener información útil para la toma de decisiones.

Hemos venido trabajando con varios aeropuertos a nivel global (...) aquí en el país hemos tenido algunos proyectos interesantes con distintos aeropuertos”, comentó en entrevista con Excélsior, aunque prefirió no señalar por nombre a las centrales aéreas de México con las que han trabajado debido a acuerdos de confidencialidad. Las posibles soluciones. Unlocking the potential of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things—sensors and actuators connected by networks to computing systems—has received enormous attention over the past five years.

A new McKinsey Global Institute report, The Internet of Things: Mapping the value beyond the hype, attempts to determine exactly how IoT technology can create real economic value. Video MGI partner Michael Chui discusses the economic potential of the Internet of Things. Play video Our central finding is that the hype may actually understate the full potential—but that capturing it will require an understanding of where real value can be created and a successful effort to address a set of systems issues, including interoperability. To get a broader view of the IoT’s potential benefits and challenges across the global economy, we analyzed more than 150 use cases, ranging from people whose devices monitor health and wellness to manufacturers that utilize sensors to optimize the maintenance of equipment and protect the safety of workers. Podcast. The Internet of Things. In most organizations, information travels along familiar routes.

Proprietary information is lodged in databases and analyzed in reports and then rises up the management chain. Information also originates externally—gathered from public sources, harvested from the Internet, or purchased from information suppliers. But the predictable pathways of information are changing: the physical world itself is becoming a type of information system. In what’s called the Internet of Things, sensors and actuators embedded in physical objects—from roadways to pacemakers—are linked through wired and wireless networks, often using the same Internet Protocol (IP) that connects the Internet. These networks churn out huge volumes of data that flow to computers for analysis. When objects can both sense the environment and communicate, they become tools for understanding complexity and responding to it swiftly. Podcast When virtual-world capabilities meet real-world businesses Exhibit Enlarge 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Finding the Money in the Internet of Things.

Executives have heard of the Internet of Things (IoT), but they’re understandably suspicious of all the hype. The one question that’s on all their minds is: where’s the money? Where and how will this new technology generate meaningful economic value for the enterprise? In the absence of a clear and compelling answer to this question, there’s a lot of interest, but relatively limited investment to date in a promising technology. Unfortunately, most technology vendors, accustomed to selling products to CIO’s, rarely focus on the overall economic impact of this technology. And business executives often focus on some particular application that’s somehow gotten their attention without assessing more systematically where the highest economic impact might be achieved. For these reasons, it’s helpful to step back and explore some broader approaches to answering “where’s the money?” But, is that all there is? A third framework focuses on performance improvement approaches.

Bitcoin: a Internet do Dinheiro. Antes de tentar entender o significado da expressão “a Internet do Dinheiro” (Internet of Money) que vem cada vez mais sendo usada por grandes nomes na comunidade Bitcoin, como por exemplo Andreas Antonopoulos e os gêmeos Winklevoss, primeiro é preciso entender o que significa a Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things ou IoT). INTERNET DAS COISAS (IoT) De acordo com a Wikipedia, a Internet das Coisas é a conexão de dispositivos entre si, mas que para isso além de possuirem computação incorporada também devem ser identificáveis unicamente dentro da infra-estrutura existente da Internet. Espera-se que a IoT ofereça uma conectividade avançada entre dispositivos, sistemas, além dos serviços que devem ir além da comunicação de máquina-a-máquina (M2M) e devem abranger uma variedade de protocolos, domínios e aplicações. Segundo um artigo da Revista Forbes, se um dispositivo qualquer tem um botão de liga/desliga é provável que ele possa se conectar à Internet das Coisas.

Então ele conclui. The Internet of Things Is Changing How We Manage Customer Relationships. Steven Moore Just as it’s hard to remember what life was like before the iPhone, it can be hard to remember business before there was CRM software — back when you still had to explain that it stood for “customer relationship management.”

Today, CRM pervades the way many companies track and measure how they interact with other organizations, across many departments: marketing, sales, customer service, support, and others. CRM made it possible to determine precisely who responded to a specific marketing campaign and then who became a paying customer, which customer called the most for support, and so on. It gave companies some overall measure of revenue compared with marketing spend — something described in this 2007 article in The New York Times. But now that Big Data and the Internet of Things have come along, we can go beyond the transaction to every little detail of the customer’s actual experience.

With every passing day there are more examples of Internet of Things adoption. Aplicando el Internet de las Cosas a las empresas — Antiguos Alumnos UPV. El próximo 26 de febrero, en Blue red Múnich, exploraremos de la mano de Ramón Puchades las interacciones existentes entre la llamada “Internet de las Cosas” (Iot por sus siglas en inglés) y el mundo de la empresa. Resulta evidente que Internet ha supuesto una transformación radical en el modo en el que se accede y se gestiona la información, que las redes sociales online han cambiado por completo las reglas con las que las personas nos comunicamos y relacionamos y que la incipiente Internet de las Cosas está ofreciendo un escenario de transformación en el modo en el que usamos e interactuamos con los objetos más cotidianos.

¿Están sabiendo las empresas interpretar estos cambios? ¿Están trabajando para incorporar a sus estructuras y a su gestión esta nueva realidad? Pero antes, para clarificar el concepto y comprender su importancia (se considera que el Iot va a afectar a todas las empresas en el mismo orden de magnitud que la web en los años 90) os recomendamos este vídeo. Internet-of-things-iot-ibsg.pdf. Las 10 empresas de Internet de las Cosas más poderosas. 10 Hot Internet of Things Startups. Page 5 of 10 5. Humavox What they do: Create technologies to wirelessly power IoT by using radio frequencies, thus eliminating the need for wires.

Headquarters: Kfar Saba, Israel CEO: Omri Lachman. Prior to Humavox, Omri launched several startups, including EXACTME! And Boominga. Founded: 2013 Funding: The company is backed by $5 million in seed funding. Why they're on this list: Wireless power is a necessity for the Internet of Things, but the current wireless charging solutions already on the market haven't really moved the needle. This has halted innovation in wireless charging, which Humavox argues is an essential element in IoT adoption. Humavox's solution is intended to eliminate the need for wires and batteries. To convince users to switch, Humavox allows you to take the guesswork out of powering devices with a solution that can simultaneously charge all powered electronics at once. If Humavox is able to deliver on all of its claims, it could immediately tap into pent-up demand.