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Myths RETOLD | YELLING MYTHS AT THE INTERNET. THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. MYTH INDEX, Greek Mythology. Mythical Creatures List, Mythical Creatures A-Z. Echidna. Aka : the Winter Snake Goddess Origin Gaea and Tartarus (Pondus) are her parents. Other myths say that she is the offspring of Callirrhoe and Chrysaor. Description Echidna is the mixture of a serpent and a woman, a beautiful fair-faced nymph from the waist up, but a horrible serpent below.

Echidna mated with the storm god Typhon and gave birth to a great lot of famous monsters: Chimaera, the Hydra of Lernae, the dragons of Colchis and the garden of the Hesperides, the Gorgons, the eagle that eats Prometheus’ liver, Cerberus and its brother Orthrus the dog of Geryon who mated with his own mother and become the father of the lion of Nemea and the Sphinx, The hundred-eyed Argos kills Echida in her sleep to prevent her from eating him as she has eaten other travelers. The serpent woman and her offsprings were held responsible for most of the chaos and hardship that existed in the world. Image. Super Japanese Ghouls ‘n Ghosts. Japanese folklore has a rich and terrifying tradition of all sorts of zany ghosts, ghouls, monsters, and goblins. Japanese ghosts collectively known as yūrei (幽霊), and Japanese monsters collectively known as yōkai (妖怪) are arguably the most popular.

But how many traditional Japanese spooks do you actually know anything about? Read on to see what you should really be afraid of this Halloween. Traditional Japanese Ghosts Traditional Japanese beliefs state that every human being has a soul called a reikon (霊魂). However, if a person dies an unnatural, traumatic death, or if their final rites aren’t properly performed, the reikon becomes a yūrei and starts wreaking havoc on everyone’s sanity. These ghosts dwell on Earth, haunting its fleshy inhabitants. Onryō – 怨霊 Onryō are female ghosts who were abused or neglected by their lovers in life. Ubume – 産女 Women who die in childbirth or without providing for their children before death are classified as ubume. Goryō – 御霊 Funayūrei – 船幽霊 Kappa – 河童. Humans in Norse Mythology. Humans in Norse Mythology Bil and Yuki: Bil and Yuki are brother and sister, their father is Vinfinn.

Bil and Yuki was kidnapped from their father by Mani, and was forced to stay with Mani until Ragnarok, “The end of the world”. Mani: Mani is the man who drives the chariot that carries the Moon across the sky. Mundilfari: Mundilfari is a man from Midgard “middle Earth”. Ottar: Ottar built an altar to the goddess Freya, and offered sacrifices to her. Freyja rides atop Hildisvíni to visit Hyndla (1895) by Lorenz Frølich. Röskva: Röskva is the daugther of the farmer Egil from Midgard. Sigurd: Sigurd is a hero, who killed Fafnir the dragon. Sol: Sol is the daughter of Mundilfari, and she has a brother named Mani. Svipdag: Sudden day Svipdag is the son of the seeress Groa. Thialfi: Thialfi "Tjalfe" is the son of the farmer Egil and the brother of Röskva. Vidfinn: Wood Finn Vidfinn is the father of Bil and Yuki, who were kidnapped by Mani to ride with the moon to Ragnarok.