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Leadership and pd

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BLOG: Why do teachers burn out? Katie Ashford is an English teacher in a secondary school in the Midlands, these are her individual views.

BLOG: Why do teachers burn out?

Hello everyone. How PD can make real change. Writing blogs like this one and interacting with teachers on Twitter and the like can make edtech teacher types, like me, forget that it is still the case that the majority of teachers are not confident or regular users of modern technologies (social, mobile & student-centred) and need effective introduction and explanation of their benefits.

How PD can make real change

Search results for leadership. A colleague and I were doing a workshop at a school today.

Search results for leadership

I was filling in for someone who had been out and the content were we covering, I thought, would be better if we taught it together. And that also allowed one of us to teach while the other floated around the room to help teachers who got behind or need a little extra encouragement. The workshop was just like any other. Participants were very engaged and really enjoyed the content we were teaching. GingerLewman : RT @Ev_Giannopoulos: Are you... The Only 2 Things You Should Be Discussing in Meetings. Shock of the new. Down through the ages, there has always been resistance to change.

Shock of the new

Student-delivered PD: An idea whose time has come?  [cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] A collection of thoughts about P-12 professional development, with a (hopefully) whiz-bang ending… Big idea 1: Most current staff development is awful.

Student-delivered PD: An idea whose time has come? 

We have known for decades what leads to powerful adult learning and what constitutes effective professional development. Yet the 3– or 4–days per year, ‘sit and get,’ one-size-fits-all training model still persists on a large scale. Shame on us. 7 Characteristics of a Good Leader. Being a manager and being a leader are two completely different things.

7 Characteristics of a Good Leader

As a manager, people follow you because they have to. As a leader, people follow you because they want to. If you took a poll of management in the United States, you’d likely find that people would want to be leaders as opposed to managers. How An LMS and BYOD Changed A School. The School's profile The Southport School is a P-12 (K-12) private Anglican school for boys located in Southport on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

How An LMS and BYOD Changed A School

Established in 1901, the school caters to both boarding and day students and has an excellent reputation for sports and leadership. Historically, the academic strength of the school has been built on the excellence of its teachers, mainly operating in the traditional “chalk and talk” or teacher-led mode. The parents show great confidence in the ability of these teachers to provide a sound traditional education.

Planning the Tech PD: Why Aren’t “Reluctant” Teachers Attending Training? I hear a great deal of chatter amongst other “edtechs” about sessions that they offer.

Planning the Tech PD: Why Aren’t “Reluctant” Teachers Attending Training?

Typically, GAFE districts offer tons of google trainings. Districts that cater to specific devices offer trainings on those devices. I hear a great deal about “appy hour” and “tech challenges” that are really focused on the platforms themselves. In some districts, trainings are determined entirely by those giving the trainings according to what they enjoy teaching as opposed to what actual needs exist. Those sessions are typically attended by the same teachers every time…the early adopters. Education Week. As a school leader, I always believed that I was the biggest contributor to our school climate.

Education Week

It's not that I believe school leaders have the most important job in the school, because everyone plays an important part in the school community, but the climate of the school begins with the school leader. As Todd Whitaker says, "When the principal sneezes the whole school catches a cold. " Tips. Tips. 16 ways classroom projectors can be MUCH more effective. Schooling for Personally Significant Learning: Is it possible? - Erica McWilliam - Dear Administrators, Please Rescue the Staff Meeting. Image from someecards There are few things that induce quite as visceral reaction as bringing up staff meetings to teachers.

Dear Administrators, Please Rescue the Staff Meeting

5 Reasons Introverts Make Better Leaders. It's no coincidence that some of our greatest leaders have been introverts, from Bill Gates to Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein. Here's a peek at the introvert's guide to success. November 06, 2013 Research shows that approximately 50 to 55 percent of American males are introverts. For females, that number is 47 to 55 percent. And yet, as author and psychologist Linda Silverman states, "The American dream is to be extroverted. " Teacher Agency: Educators Moving from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset. It is a myth that we operate under a set of oppressive bureaucratic constraints. In reality, teachers have a great deal of autonomy in the work they chose to do in their classrooms. In most cases it is our culture that provides the constraints. For individual teachers, trying out new practices and pedagogy is risky business and both our culture, and our reliance on hierarchy, provide the ideal barriers for change not to occur.

As Pogo pointed out long ago, “we have met the enemy and it is us.” Educational psychology has focused on the concepts of learned helplessness and more currently growth-fixed mindsets as a way to explain how and why students give up in the classroom setting. Many educators feel forced into a paradigm of teaching where they feel subjected to teaching practices outside of their control. Five leadership lessons LEGO can teach us. Deeper Learning Blog Carnival: Six Questions for Better Professional Development. After last week's carnival (see below for previous entries), we now digging into what makes effective professional development. Allison Rowland from Envision Schools describes her and Envision Schools approach to late night fun -- planning deep and engaging PD! What Makes PD Stick? The night before I run professional development, I can't sleep because I'm excited about the plan.

I thought that I would rest easier when I stopped being a classroom teacher, but I still stay up with familiar butterflies. Connected Educator Month...What You Need To Know #CE13. "Alone we are smart but together we are brilliant. " October has been declared by the U.S. Department of Education to be Connected Educator Month.

How to deal with co-workers who constantly complain. Big Data Makes Its Mark on Schools — For Better or Worse. Education advocates for years have marveled at the potential of Big Data. 4 Apps For Optimizing Teacher Workflow. The Secret to Feeling Energized at Work? Autonomy. How Leadership Can Make or Break Classroom Innovation. The leaders of a school or school district play a big role in setting the culture and work environment for teachers. Teachers & Social Media. Leading Innovative Change Series – A New Staff Experience. I wanted to try my hand at writing a series of blog posts on “Leading Innovative Change.”

As I am looking at writing a book on the same topic, I thought I would put some ideas out there and hopefully learn from others on these topics. How can you change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset? Step1. Learn to hear your fixed mindset “voice.” Future Of Graffiti? Augmented Reality Street Art [VIDEO]: Augmented Reality News TV. Presentation Resources. The Benefits Of Being A Social Leader For Today's Organizations. The Benefits Of Being A Social Leader For Today’s Organizations With the maturation of the major social media networks (Twitter turned 7 this year, while Facebook and LinkedIn are 9 and 10 years old respectively), social media has not only become a regular fixture in our everyday digital lives, but it’s also changed the way we communicate in terms of what we share, and how ideas move to the forefront of our collective social conscience.

Ironically, despite the reality that social media has become ingrained in the daily lives of both current employees and future workers, organizational leaders continue to overlook these important communication channels to connect, learn, and engage with those under their care. A recent study has found that less than a third of Fortune 500 CEOs are active on any given social media platform (not surprisingly, LinkedIn had the most CEO accounts, though Twitter has seen the most growth in terms of new CEO accounts). 1.