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10 movie poster cliches (with plenty of examples) '100 Greatest Shut Ups In Film' Will Not Stifle Your Laughter. By Ethan Anderton September 16, 2011 We've featured plenty of fantastic montages and compilation videos that chronicle everything from nearly every instance of the Wilhelm screen on film, to a brief history of opening credit sequences.

'100 Greatest Shut Ups In Film' Will Not Stifle Your Laughter

While some show true editing talent, others are just a basic collection of great clips from a bunch of different films. And that brings us to the 100 Greatest Shut Ups in FIlms with characters, creatively, and mostly vulgarly, telling everyone to "Shut up. " However, with this video featuring scenes from The Departed and other R-rated film, there's plenty of salty language that pretty much makes this NSFW. The Dark Side of Oz. MeFeedia - Media Engine.