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Addons. Forward Technology | London Node.js User Group September Meetup. This event information is for the hCalendar event microformat. London Node.js User Group September Meetup 2011-09-28 The first meeting of the London Node.js User Group, hosted by Forward Internet group in Camden, it's people who use node.js for fun or profit. The first meeting of the London Node.js User Group, hosted by Forward Internet group in Camden, it's for people who use node.js for fun or profit. Node.js is an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on V8, recently it's been taking the web development community by storm. Here at Forward we use node for a number of innovative applications across the business. Doors open at 6pm where beer and pizza will be available, talks will start around 7pm We have four talks lined up; Andy Kent - Streaming analytics and Node.js Rob Tweed - The Globals Database: its significance for Node developers Garren Smith - These are the ORM's you are looking for.

Node.js in Action. Node.js in Action is an example-driven tutorial that starts at square one and guides you through all the features, techniques, and concepts you'll need to build production-quality Node applications. You'll start by learning how to set up your Node development environment, including loading the community-created extensions. Next, you'll run several simple demonstration programs where you'll learn the basics of a few common types of Node applications. Then you'll dive into asynchronous programming, a model Node leverages to lessen application bottlenecks. JavaScript on the server? You bet. Node.js is a JavaScript server capable of supporting scalable, high-performance web applications. Node.js in Action shows you how to build production-quality applications. What's Inside Set up Node and extensions Grok asynchronous programming and the event loop Examples including microblogging, IM, games, and more About the Authors.

The Node Beginner Book » A comprehensive Node.js tutorial. Ryan Dahl: “Introduction to NodeJS” (58 min.) Running node.js on Windows with VirtualBox and Ubuntu | Chris Fulstow. Introduction Node.js is an event-driven I/O framework for building extremely fast and scalable network applications. It's designed to run on Unix-like platforms, and although it's possible to run node.js on Windows , it's not yet fully supported. There's a Windows port of node.js in the pipeline, but in the meantime if you're a Windows user who wants to check out the node.js hype, this article shows you how to run node.js inside your own Linux virtual machine. For a deeper introduction to node.js, watch this Introduction to NodeJS video or read the The Node Beginner Book . We'll start off by installing and configuring VirtualBox, set up a shared folder between Windows and the VM, install Git, node.js and NPM, then finally write a simple web server.

Install VirtualBox The first step is to download and install VirtualBox , an open source virtualisation application that lets you run Linux inside Windows. Create and a new Linux virtual machine Storage Network Install Ubuntu $ sudo apt-get update. Vm - Node.js Manual. Executing JavaScript You can access this module with: var vm = require('vm'); JavaScript code can be compiled and run immediately or compiled, saved, and run later. vm.runInThisContext(code, [filename]) vm.runInThisContext() compiles code as if it were loaded from filename, runs it and returns the result.

Example of using vm.runInThisContext and eval to run the same code: var localVar = 123, usingscript, evaled, vm = require('vm'); usingscript = vm.runInThisContext('localVar = 1;', 'myfile.vm'); console.log('localVar: ' + localVar + ', usingscript: ' + usingscript); evaled = eval('localVar = 1;'); console.log('localVar: ' + localVar + ', evaled: ' + evaled); vm.runInThisContext does not have access to the local scope, so localVar is unchanged. eval does have access to the local scope, so localVar is changed.

In case of syntax error in code, vm.runInThisContext emits the syntax error to stderr and exception. vm.runInNewContext(code, [sandbox], [filename]) script.runInThisContext()