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Photoshop * Create panoramic images with Photomerge. How to Create a Panorama with Photoshop and Photomerge. 8 Guidelines To Taking Panoramic Photos With Any Camera. Panoramic Photography Tips. Although they may appear very unusual, the basics of panorama photography are pretty simple. Equipment: You really don't need anything very fancy in the way of equipment to produce panoramas. The basic idea is extremely simple - get a set of overlapping images and join them up to make one big one. This is most easily done in software, and to save mucking around with a scanner, a digital camera makes life much easier. Even one of those cheap 'pocket' tripods can make a huge difference. Because flash is a bad idea, (and often ineffective when photographing something big enough to fill a panorama), using one of these will generally give much better results.

Pretty much any digital camera will do nicely, but here are some thoughts to bear in mind: As you are building an image from many smaller ones, resolution is not very important - indeed, if the image size gets too large, you will need a LOT of memory on your PC to handle the stitching. Software: Can it process multiple rows of images? A Guide To Panoramic Photography | Landscape Photography Blog. Panoramic photography is one of those things I have had a bit of a love and hate relationship with over the years, I think panoramic photography is much trickier than the majority of people realise.

In this post I will run through some of my panoramic photos and why they work and what to look for when taking panoramic photos. But first of all lets qualify what a panoramic photo is – in a nutshell a panoramic photo is letter box shaped and is considerably wider than it is tall. While the exact proportions could be anything you desire the minimum ratio for a panoramic photo is 2×1 or twice as wide as its height. The second recommended ratio is 3×1 or three times as wide as it is tall, this has a very different appearance from the 2×1 panoramic and looks more like a letterbox. A panoramic photo doesn’t just have to be in the landscape format, you can shoot vertical or portrait format panoramics although finding subject matter can be a little trickier, I will cover this in a future post.