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A Brief History of Evolutionary Spirituality - What is Evolutionary Spirituality? | Philadelphia integral development. Excellent resource: the Wikipedia article. The term “Evolutionary Spirituality” was coined (as far as I know) by Andrew Cohen in this article, but the concepts go back to the early 1900s from Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin. Cohen has developed his own version and he calls it Evolutionary Enlightenment. Evolutionary Enlightenment is, to my mind, the most powerful and practical philosophy for human development and cultural change to hit the Western streets since the 60s “counter-culture” and since Victor Baranco started teaching. While Victor Baranco is still relatively unknown, Andrew Cohen has become quite well-known (although not quite yet a “superstar” – his committed students worldwide only number about 300 currently). I am just at the beginning of this inquiry but here is what I have found to be intensely exciting about the teachings: 2)This is not mere abstract philosophy, there are immediate profound and practical consequences.

Related posts No Related Post. Evolution Spirituality: Definition, Principles, History | Universe Spirit. Evolution Spirituality Evolution means “the process of change,” particularly as it relates to the processes of physical change of the physical universe throughout its history. Evolution Spirituality is not just evolutionary and cosmological science where appropriate it also integrates the most life affirming wisdom from humanity's spiritual heritage to deepen the meanings discovered by the facts of science. Evolution Spirituality: 1.) embraces progressive evolutionary science and the newest discoveries of cosmology.2.) embraces and integrates the most life-affirming wisdom and tools from all of humanity's spiritual heritage to deepen the meanings discovered by the facts of evolutionary and cosmological science.3.) enhances and embraces much of what is know as today's eco-spirituality movement. 5.) is a type of omni-denominational and trans-denominational meta-spirituality and meta-religion. 8.)

Has many other qualities found elsewhere on this website on pages like this. 1.) Evolutionary Spirituality. J. Krishnamurti Online. O repositório oficial dos autênticos ensinamentos de Jiddu Krishnamurti. THE SHIFT - A Movie Being Made by a Movement. World Spirituality News - Jan 14, 2013. We are excited to welcome you to the first edition of World Spirituality News for 2013. About twice every month this year, you will receive highlights of our latest articles, audios, videos, blog updates, and more.

Our shared vision of World Spirituality based on Integral principles continues to take root in the soils of pre-modern, modern, and postmodern climates. We hope you enjoy hearing from us and share our passion for articulating and advancing a spiritual movement that is rippling across the globe in the hearts and minds of so many people. We have been busy writing, publishing, promoting, and teaching... and you can hear all about it here. New online content. Read posts below by Marc Gafni, Sally Kempton, and Joe Perez for some of our most recent thoughts.

Let's keep in close touch this year. One Day on Earth - The World's Story is Yours to Tell. Carta do Cacique Sioux ao Presidente dos EUA.doc. CRIACIONISMO X EVOLUCIONISMO: O FIM DA DICOTOMIA.