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Network World's 33 Hottest Tech Arguments. Microsoft Office 365 vs. Google Apps for Business. The battle between Microsoft and Google for office cloud dominance reminds me of the clash of the Titans.

Microsoft Office 365 vs. Google Apps for Business

Microsoft and its classic on-premises business model is like Gaia, the earth goddess, and Google with its disruptive lightening bolt, is like Zeus, a sky god and a next generation kind of god. On June 28, Microsoft launched Office 365, a subscription cloud service that replaced its Business Productivity Online Standard Suite (BPOS). Office 365 was a direct response to Google Apps for Business, which has been luring companies away from on-premises e-mail and Office applications with promises of better collaboration, less cost and less headaches. Google claims that it has some 4 million businesses using Google Apps for Business. To be fair, this number pales compared to the millions using Office, which by some estimates totals 750 million people. NETWORK WORLD'S HOTTEST TECH ARGUMENTS: Read about dozens of other arguments To continue reading, register here to become an Insider. Top enterprise iPad questions facing IT: management, apps and security.

In the enterprise, iPad use holds a lot of promise.

Top enterprise iPad questions facing IT: management, apps and security

But it’s far from a slam dunk. Apple iPads help mobile workers stay connected and let them keep important documents members gain immediate and unlimited access to the latest on tablet and smartphone operating systems and applications, enterprise device management strategies for consumerization, and tips on securing mobile devices in the enterprise -- all at no cost. Building a cloud ecosystem: Providers enlist MSPs to join their empires. Some businesses live or die by the ecosystems they build.

Building a cloud ecosystem: Providers enlist MSPs to join their empires

What would Expedia and Orbitz be without the airlines and hotels that give them a cut of the revenue from every new customer the travel sites send to them? Comparable symbiotic partnerships are emerging in members gain immediate and unlimited access to breaking industry news, expert advice, highly focused cloud services newsletters, and more -- all at no cost. Join me on today! The cloud provider market, as wholesalers and software vendors build cloud ecosystems with smaller cloud providers and managed service providers (MSPs) hungry for customers but starved for resources. Like any business ecosystem, a cloud ecosystem comprises various stakeholders in the industry that benefit from aligning their investments, strategies and/or resources. Our goal is to enable multiple [smaller cloud] providers around the world to have the power of the big boys.

Adam Wray CEO, Tier 3. Computer Security Division - Computer Security Resource Center. About Key Management Generally-speaking, there are two types of key establishment techniques: 1) techniques based on asymmetric (public key) algorithms, and 2) techniques based on symmetric (secret key) algorithms.

Computer Security Division - Computer Security Resource Center

However, hybrid techniques are also commonly used, whereby public key techniques are used to establish symmetric (secret) key encryption keys, which are then used to establish other symmetric (secret) keys. Back to Top. 10 Easy Arithmetic Tricks. Technology Math can be terrifying for many people.

10 Easy Arithmetic Tricks

This list will hopefully improve your general knowledge of mathematical tricks and your speed when you need to do math in your head. 1. The 11 Times Trick We all know the trick when multiplying by ten – add 0 to the end of the number, but did you know there is an equally easy trick for multiplying a two digit number by 11? Take the original number and imagine a space between the two digits (in this example we will use 52: Now add the two numbers together and put them in the middle: That is it – you have the answer: 572. If the numbers in the middle add up to a 2 digit number, just insert the second number and add 1 to the first: Practice mental arithmetic. Fantastic Math Tricks. I will assume that you know your multiplication table reasonably well up to 10x10.

Fantastic Math Tricks

That is It! Wasn't that easy? Practice it on paper first! Want to Learn More? The one book I recommend May be out of print. Do It In Your Head - Practice Basic Math and Free Yourself from the Calculator. Mathematical Magic Tricks. (2004-12-02) 1089Pick a 3-digit number where the first and last digits differ by 2 or more...

Mathematical Magic Tricks

Why is this always equal to 1089? This is one of the better tricks of its kind, because the effect of reversing the digits isn't obvious to most people at first... If the 3-digit number reads abc, it's equal to 100a+10b+c and the second step gives the following result: | (100a+10b+c) - (100c+10b+a) | = 99 | a-c | The quantity | a-c | is between 2 and 9, so the above is a 3-digit multiple of 99, namely: 198, 297, 396, 495, 594, 693, 792 or 891.

Virtualization wars: VMware vs. Hyper-V vs. XenServer vs. KVM. Network World - Ten years ago the argument over virtualization would have been a short one because VMware was the only game in town, but that early dominance is now being significantly challenged by Microsoft, Citrix and Red Hat (KVM).

Virtualization wars: VMware vs. Hyper-V vs. XenServer vs. KVM

Open source vs. proprietary software. IDG News Service - The "scrufffy guy coding away in his basement" archetype stopped applying to open-source software a while ago.

Open source vs. proprietary software

It just doesn't make sense when you consider that heavyweight vendors like IBM and Microsoft - which built empires based on proprietary software - constitute some of biggest contributors in money and development resources to widely used open-source projects like the Linux OS. In turn, Red Hat has built a nearly billion-dollar business based on open source. NETWORK WORLD'S HOTTEST TECH ARGUMENTS: Read the rest BACKGROUND: NW's Open Source Subnet So where's the controversy? "A lot of software innovation today is being driven by organizations that aren't in the business of selling software, which means that a great deal of it is open source," says Redmonk analyst Stephen O'Grady.

Cloud Computing

Gear Wish List. Tech Platforms. Fabric wars: Cisco vs. Brocade vs. Juniper. DC Knowledge. Destinations. Interesting Companies. Pearltrees videos. Getting started.