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Youth4Peace Training Toolkit – UNOY Peacebuilders. This Toolkit… ➤ Gives you tips to develop your own training on peacebuilding & conflict transformation and creating peaceful narratives. ➤ Was requested by young peacebuilders from the UNOY network who have actively contributed their ideas and tested the toolkit! ➤ Challenges you to ‘review’ your own values of peacebuilding and nonviolence as a current or future trainer. What is in this toolkit? Understanding and applying the key concepts Part 1 explains the basics around➤ Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding ➤ Transforming Narratives ➤ Youth and Peace – UNSCR 2250 by providing… Simple explanation of each key concept Relevant sample activities Key learnings for your group Including… Practical tips Additional resources Designing & implementing your activity Part 2 of the toolkit provides step by step information on how to design an educational programme and how to practically prepare, plan and implement your training.

Approach Design Practicalities Skills & Principles for training in peacebuilding. ESR Engaging Schools | Connect – Collaborate – Learn. Quick Guide to Implementing a Peer Mediation Program. Conflict resolution and peer mediation toolkit. Creative Response to Families and Conflict. Breaking up together: Keeping the Family Together In Marital Conflict Marital conflicts, separation and divorce can drive families apart, but it does not have to be that way. In fact,, CRC believes that with some work, families can actually come together during these difficult situations. Coming together as a family in conflict can happen with mediation. Mediation is a process where a trained mediator fairly intervenes on the behalf of both people or parties involved to fairly bring about reconciliation, compromise or settlement.

Mediation is a short-term process in which more often than not leads to: improved relations; healthier family dynamics and new skills for managing roles and responsibilities. CRC created Creative Response to Families and Conflict (CRFC) because couples and children need to feel positive about their situation when they begin to transition into separation or divorce. CRFC Programs: Creative Response to Families and Conflict Brochure. Community Boards | Building Community through Conflict Resolution. CRC School-Based Workshops. Creative Response to Conflict workshops help teachers, teacher’s assistants and other school staff learn skills for creative conflict resolution they can use themselves and teach to students. A unique blend of cognitive and social-emotional learning, CRC’s approach to conflict resolution skill building can easily be integrated into the classroom curriculum. The in-school workshops provide interactive activities and games that help students recognize creative and positive alternatives to negative behavior.

With practice and coaching from their teachers and teaching assistants, students become proficient in resolving conflict. When CRC concepts are integrated into the school setting, educators and students feel part of a safer, more open and more productive school community. These are skills that last long after the workshops are done, they last a lifetime. Global Peacebuilding Center | Morningside Center | Shalom Educating For Peace. School Mediation Associates - Books and Other Resources. Georgia State University - CR in Schools. Programs and Research RJP - Restorative Justice Program CNCR became involved in studying restorative justice as it relates to conflict management and resolution in 2008 when we partnered on a Bureau of Justice Affairs, US Department of Justice grant with the School of Social Work at Georgia State University.

The product of the grant was the first comprehensive repository for resources related to restorative justice in the Southeastern United States. As the Restorative Justice Clearinghouse took shape, CNCR decided to expand the project to examine RJ legislation across the US and create a web-based database for use by researchers and practitioners alike. CRiSP - Conflict Resolution in Schools Program CNCR's Conflict Resolution in Schools Program (CRiSP) examines the institutionalization of conflict resolution education (CRE) in K-12 schools.

Conflict Management in Higher Education Program For more on Conflict Management in Higher Education, please visit our section on this site. Enjoyable Learning: Triune Arts. Peacefirst. Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR) – Cambridge, Massachusetts. Community Boards - Youth & Schools. Community Boards is recognized internationally for our pioneering work with youth and schools. We can provide your school with a variety of proven techniques for resolving school-based conflicts. Mediation & Facilitation Our neutral and highly skilled mediators and facilitators can assist schools in resolving conflicts between any number of school stakeholders: district and school administration, faculty, professional staff, parents, and students. For more information about how we can assist your school, please contact Cordell Wesselink, Mediation Program Manager, call him at (415) 920-3820 x109 or email him at

Peer Mediation We also have a highly acclaimed peer mediation model for the development of student conflict managers, The Conflict Manager Program. School-site Trainings For those in need of briefer intervention, we have trainers who provide short trainings in very specific conflict resolution topics.