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Microsoft Has End-to-End Commitment to Cloud Computing: Menzione | Government Cloud Computing. Microsoft's Vince Menzione (pictured), General Manager for Microsoft's partner strategy in the US public sector, has been underlining his company's "end-to-end commitment to cloud computing. " In a magazine interview this week Menzione declared: "All of our salespeople will be leading with cloud....Cloud is the way we lead our discussions with our customers. " Menzione, whose full title is General Manager of USPS Partner Organization and Strategy, is responsible for partner engagement within the U.S. Public Sector. He deals with businesses in the Federal, State and Local Governments, Healthcare and Education.

His sentiments echo Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer's, speech in April to computer science students at the University of Washington. "Twenty million businesses and over a billion people use Microsoft cloud services," Ballmer noted. One of his slides in Seattle was headed: "The cloud fuels Microsoft, and Microsoft fuels the cloud" To: All Microsoft employees From: Steve Ballmer Thanks, Steve.

10 Lessons for Gov 2.0 from Web 2.0. What is Web 2.0? In 2005, it meant geeks embracing a set of principles and practices: using the web as a platform, harnessing collective intelligence, data is the new “Intel inside,” and others. By 2010, many of the dominant companies and services that embody or fuel Web 2.0 have become global brands: Google, Craigslist, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and a host of new mobile communities or platforms. These companies are often defined by what they allow users to do: upload pictures or video, stay connected to friends, track and discover news, save bookmarks, create communities, etc.

For non-geeks, Web 2.0 meant the online world became a place you could publish and participate. It became about everyone with an Internet connection exploring an interactive web. Instead of static brochureware, the web became a read/write medium, with a social layer that accelerated quickly. In that vein, Gov 2.0 is not defined by social media any more than Web 2.0 is. So what does Web 2.0 mean to Gov 2.0? HP Government IT Survey Report - Government 2.0. World Map of Open Government Data Initiatives. eGovernment Resource Centre. Streamlining e-Government Through a BPM System. Why include BPM in an e-Government strategy? In today’s fast paced world, e-government is widely considered the key to modernizing government operations, increasing efficiency, and eliminating waste.

E-government refers to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in government operations, involving both internal operations and external relationships with citizen constituents. Due to the growing demands of a globalized world, government services must be delivered ever more rapidly yet with increased capacity. The demands on government have never been greater, and the need for modernization has never been so necessary. The idea behind e-government projects is that well-applied technological interventions can enable a government to do its job faster, better, and with more accuracy.

It is too often taken for granted that technology is the best solution to the modernization and globalization issues facing government. Do a pilot project. E-Government Meets Web 2.0: Goodbye Portals, Hello Web Services. Gartner recently released a couple of reports on how web 2.0 technologies are being used in e-Government. The reports are entitled The E-Government Hype Cycle Meets Web 2.0 and Government and Web 2.0: The Emerging Midoffice. Both are about how modern e-government efforts are moving away from the 'one stop shop' portal approach that characterized early efforts, and are turning more towards mashups and (to quote the first Gartner report) "a number of mostly adventurous initiatives with blogs, wikis or islands in Second Life.

" But it's the ecosystem of Web Services - and the reusability of content and services that Web Services enable - that really excites Gartner about web 2.0 in e-government. Control The 'Hype Cycle' Gartner report makes it plain that Gartner analysts do not consider all aspects of Web 2.0 to be useful in e-government. Wikis, Ajax, virtual worlds and blogs require "control" if used in an e-government context, according to this passage: Don't all IT projects require focus?

The “Getting Started with Government 2.0” Guide | Social Media S. In the last few months, I’ve received an increasing number of “hey Steve, how would you recommend someone get started in social media or Government 2.0?” Emails, and I’ve gotten tired of sending out the same emails time and time again. I’ve been meaning to write a post like this for a while, but even I was little overwhelmed at the resources available! So, here’s my attempt at creating a post (with comments) that will hopefully become a helpful resource for those interested in learning more about social media and the Government.

*I realize that there will be GREAT resources out there that I miss in this post – PLEASE add them below as a comment so that others may benefit!!! The Fundamentals Government 2.0 is about more than just social media. The Starter Videos Baby Steps Do a Google search on your name. Setting the Stage The government – federal, state, and local – isn’t some late adopter in social media. Books If you’re a book reader, go out and get the following: Daily Reading Newsletters. Benchmarking e-government in web 2.0. eGovernment for Development. Articles « Anand Giridharadas.

Turkey is praised overseas for its dynamic economy and its ability to combine democracy and Islam. But the country is the site of an extraordinary culture war over what it means to be a Turk. Read more Washington’s afflictions have deep, complex roots. But a small part of the problem may lie in how it mentally constructs its work, fixating on tasks rather than causes. Read more When Superstorm Sandy hit New York, it brought many together in huddle households and shared needs.

Read more Felix Baumgartner’s jump to Earth was a reminder of how different glory can be in our own time. Read more Dario Cecchini, who had other ambitions, was a reluctant heir to his family’s small-town butchery. Read more The candidate’s controversial comment did not reflect the feelings of the very rich, but of the struggling middle class that is just above the 47 percent.

Read more The country once prided itself on a certain sense of equality and optimism. Read more Read more Read more. Welcome to the PloneGov initiative — Home.

eGov Blogs

Welcome to FlossInclude — FLOSSInclude CMS Site. Plone et les logiciels libres dans les administrations publiques. La communauté belge "Digital Innovators" organise son premier séminaire sur le thème "Logiciel Libre à l'usage du service public". A cette occasion, l'accent sera mis sur PloneGov, action de promotion de Plone dans les administrations. TechnocITé (centre de Compétence de la Région wallonne dans le domaine des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) donne le coup d'envoi du Digital Innovators Tour avec son premier séminaire sur le thème "Logiciel Libre à l'usage du service public", le 29 janvier 2009. Les logiciels libres prennent une place de plus en plus importante dans le paysage informatique et ont de bons atouts pour séduire les administrations publiques (souvent gratuits, forte communauté, indépendance etc.). Ce thème est bien connu en Belgique avec l'initiative PloneGov, très active pour démocratiser Plone dans les administrations.

A l'occasion de ce séminaire, une intervention sur l'initiative PloneGov développée en Belgique est prévue à 10 heures. ICEGOV - International Conference on Electronic Governance. Microsoft Productivity for Government - GovLoop - Social Network. This is a recording of a webinar we hosted last week. Dan, Sheila and Fred from Adelaide City Council kindly shared their experiences of embedding online community engagement into the business of Adelaide City Council. 70 people attended the webinar.

We are providing a recording here for those who couldn’t make it. It’s a really […] Continue Reading → Target setting and measurement are arguably the most important aspects of any engagement process. If we are unable to properly understand the results, then have we really respected the community’s time and effort contributing to our project? Continue Reading → I’ve been promoting the use of online tools to enhance citizen engagement for nearly 7 years now. Continue Reading → In 2013 the Australian government introduced legislation to create a national disability scheme. Continue Reading → When it comes to online community engagement, there are many things to think about.

Continue Reading → Continue Reading → Continue Reading → Continue Reading → United Nations E-Government Development Knowledge Base: Global R. The “Getting Started with Government 2.0” Guide | Social Media S. GovFresh - Gov 2.0, open gov news, guides, TV, tech, people. Government transformation Resources. Andrea DiMaio — A member of the Gartner Blog Network. Andrea Di Maio Managing VP 15 years at Gartner 28 years IT industry Andrea Di Maio is a managing vice president for public sector in Gartner Research, covering government and education.

His personal research focus is on digital government strategies strategies, Web 2.0, open government, cloud computing, the business value of IT, smart cities, and the impact of technology on the future of government Read Full Bio Will A Digital Father’s Day Ever Be the Same? By Andrea Di Maio | March 19, 2014 | 4 Comments In my country today is Father’s Day . I am happy for him he felt that way, but I would not. Does this make me a luddite? As people around the world cry for more digital economy, digital business, digital government, digital education, we should take a deep breath and reflect about the long term implications of these changes in many aspects of our lives. When I was a kid I used to accompany my mother for some errands at the local stores: the grocery, the bakery, the butcher. Goodbye Marco. ePractice. Mark Drapeau. Integration Challenges Towards Increasing E-Government Maturity.

Governance Matters | A blog about Governance and Development for. IOS Press - Journal Issue. eGov: Issues and Obstacles [Access eGovernment] Knowing what eGovernment is and how it works is just a starting point. Before planning a project you need to consider some related issues and obstacles. As Jeffrey Kaplan suggests in CIO Magazine, eGovernment can improve government services or turn government into Big Brother. However, the current e-government mantra—focused on digital divides, killer applications and budget savings—misses the more compelling questions: Will e-government transform how government interacts with the populace or serve as a convenience for busy citizens and civil servants? Are we on the threshold of a digital democracy or merely heading toward constant policy-by-polling and 24/7 surveillance by law enforcement agencies?

Source: E-Pluribus Unum , CIO Magazine, March 15, 2001 Technology alone will not make Singapore a more open society, or give voice to citizens who want to participate in shaping the policies and regulations which govern their lives. Security in the Wake of 9/11 Privacy Costs and Benefits. Du gouvernement comme plate-forme… ou l’inverse « InternetActu.n. Par Hubert Guillaud le 24/06/10 | 8 commentaires | 1,659 lectures | Impression Le web 2.0, dès sa définition par Tim O’Reilly, était qualifié de plate-forme pour les usagers et les usages.

Depuis, l’image a fait florès. La ville, la rue sont quelques-uns des nombreux espaces que l’on a essayé de définir comme plate-forme. En septembre dernier, Tim O’Reilly (toujours lui), à la veille de la conférence Gov 2.0 qu’il organisait, a initié une réflexion autour du gouvernement 2.0 définit comme plate-forme, qu’il a développé plus longuement dans un livre qu’il vient d’éditer sur le gouvernement “ouvert”. Le gouvernement 2.0 évoque surtout la façon “dont la politique utilise les médias sociaux, que ce soit pour solliciter la participation publique ou pour diffuser ses messages de nouvelles manières. Certains pensent qu’il s’agit de rendre le gouvernement plus transparent. Mais pour Tim O’Reilly le vrai secret de la métaphore consiste à penser le gouvernement comme une plate-forme.