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FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts. Which font? Voice of Typography. How this article started: Ross Henderson of McMurdo Multimedia, wrote in to praise our article on the "Basic Rules of Design & Layout" (September DT&G) and then followed with a question that got all of our attention. He wrote: Much more complex is typeface selection. I would love to find a simple guide to this - everything I have examined seems to rely on complex or custom typefaces, which for a one-off jobs cannot be justified. What I think is needed is something which uses "standard" typefaces ie those which can be obtained without great difficulty or expense.

Also see: Leslie Cabarga on "Selecting" fonts" The voice of typography "Which typeface should I use" is a very frequent question. For years I've made only two points about headline or display fonts in my Creative layout techniques workshops: 1) use typography voice, and 2) exploit typography message. For instance, what does the following line of type say to you: Open your eyes and listen How to listen... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The test. The Fat Dutch kid. Comeeko - Creating comic strips from your photos. Crazy Frog - Video 8mb - Software Music Downloa... Albino Blacksheep - Flash - Icon's Story. eBay The Power of All of Us. Philips Bodygroom.

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