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How to Use Google Dorks For Hacking. The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC. You have to admit, Windows is a pretty barebones operating system, feature-wise.

The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC

After a fresh install of XP or Vista (perhaps following a Clean Start), you're faced with a barren Start Menu and an empty desktop that's beaming with limitless potential. The problem is that it's up to you to hunt and download those applications that you really need in your day-to-day computing experience. And chances are, it's often difficult to find good software that's also free. - Never Wait on Hold Again.

F.lux: software to make your life better. Elgan: How I publish from Google+ Computerworld - Technology broadcaster Leo Laporte had me on his show, This Week in Tech (TWiT), recently.

Elgan: How I publish from Google+

I mentioned that I publish all over the Internet automatically from my Google+ stream. Cool Websites, Software and Internet Tips. The genuine news aggregator for the latest web buzz. Our Favorite Single-Purpose Web Sites That Do Exactly What They Say They Do.

35 cool and fun things to try with your PC. Spreadsheets, word processing and databases.

35 cool and fun things to try with your PC

Limiting a modern PC to running these bread and butter tasks is like buying a Ferrari and driving it to the corner shop. The question is, with a fast processor, a quick internet connection and a little imagination, what can a PC really do? We've asked our writers to kick back and let their imaginations run riot. Security expert Jon Thompson inevitably got involved with spying and subterfuge, uber geek Mike Williams remote controlled his home PC with Twitter and joker Jamie Middleton decided to change the world. Icovia® Space Planner. Perform Everyday Tasks for Free. Caller ID Spoofing and Voice changer.