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Decorating your tests in AngularJS. Introduction We’ve been using AngularJS at MuleSoft for building our upcoming web-based developer tools and so far we have really enjoyed using it. One area that’s really important to us as developers is unit testing our JavaScript code.This ensures we deliver high quality code that is easy to maintain and refactor and allows us to ship features quickly with confidence Decorators in Angular are really useful for unit testing your Angular JavaScript code. This post is an example of how you can use them to to use them to create great unit tests.

First, we will start by defining two factories, one called greeter and the other called worldGreeter. Let’s start with a module named myApp that contains both factories: <pre><code class="language-javascript javascript">angular.module('myApp', []) .factory('greeter', function () { return 'Hello'; }) .factory('worldGreeter', function (greeter) { return greeter + ' World'; });</code></pre> Testing 1,2,3 Next, we are going to use another angular trick.

Advanced Testing and Debugging in AngularJS. Learn to test your AngularJS application like a Pro using the latest and greatest AngularJS is becoming immensely popular and mainstream which means that there is a lot of AngularJS code out there that is being tested or is yet to be tested. And now that you're well on your way to test like a pro, thanks to the abundance of articles, tutorials, books and material out there on AngularJS testing & development, testing should be a mandatory process of your web development workflow. Full-Spectrum testing with AngularJS & Karma taught us how to test certain areas of your AngularJS application, but how do we test efficiently? How do we debug a problem down the root cause?

How do we skip tests, set breakpoints, and professionally mock-out our test components so that we can catch hidden bugs and unexpected scenarios? How far can and should we go with Unit & E2E testing? This page was first published on September 27th 2013 and was last updated on September 28th 2013.

This is so important. Never! Tip: Testing AngularJS with Jasmine. ← Meteor Web Application Creation | Reusable D3.js, Part 1: Using AttrTween, Transitions and MV* → A guest post by Jonnie Spratley, who currently works for GE as a UI Developer on the Industrial Internet Team building user interfaces for next generation products, and teaches a variety of programming courses at AcademyX.

In this tip, we will be learning how to test AngularJS applications and code using Jasmine, which is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. Read Getting Set Up with Jasmine in JavaScript Testing with Jasmine to learn how to set up Jasmine. This test does not depend upon any other JavaScript frameworks. The easiest way to get started writing Jasmine tests is to use Plnkr, which is an online community for creating, collaborating on and sharing your web development ideas: Click on the Editor link to start editing a documentClick the New button and select AngularJS 1.0.x + Jasmine How To Conclusion Safari Books Online has the content you need.

Testing Promises in AngularJS. I like how testable AngularJS makes your code. But when you are testing code that makes use of promises, things can still be tricky. I ran into a case where my test didn’t work and I didn’t understand why. Some understanding of how Angular has integrated Kris Kowal's Q promises framework was required to figure out what was going on, and to get the test to work. The code My code consists of an AccountController which controls a simple account registration dialog. Users can submit their screenname and their realname, where upon the AccountController will make an asynchronous call to a userService, which will do the real work. Here’s the AccountController: And here is my initial Jasmine test It fails, with the message: It appears that the success handler of the promise that was returned by the userService was never called. Angular's digest cycle To understand this, we need a little overview of Angular’s digest cycle.

Now how does this effect our promise? The solution And now the test passes! Decorating your tests in AngularJS. TDD and BDD in Ruby by Roy Osherove. IMPORTANT NOTE: This course is no longer offered on udemy to new students. Please go here to purchase your copy. If you are just coming into the Ruby community, you might think "man; everyone here does unit testing and TDD already". But the truth is, that is very far from reality. Most people in Ruby seem to talk the talk, but very few that I've seen actually walk the walk. Yes, many of them do have tests, but very few do things test driven. It's just very difficult without a guiding hand sometimes. Worst, many developers do not know how to write anything but integration tests. Unit testing is necessary to learn, and doing things test driven can make you more productive in the long run )I discuss some numbers during the course).

I will teach you from zero how to write your first unit test with RSpec (and why RSpec) , all the way to making you a master of the craft with mock objects, stubs, and how to choose an isolation (mocking) framework. Enjoy! Recent questions tagged karma_Question And answers _ What to test when writing Unit Tests? - SoCode. Unit Testing Application_Start . this function is called the first time your site is visited. recycling the app pool will cause it to be triggered again In most situations, this event handler has no code, so don't waste time pursuing meaningless numbers! In a typical ASP.NET MVC application the Application_Start event is often used to register custom routes. Here's a nice post explaining how to unit test your custom routes. If you want... I want to begin unit testing our application, because I believe that this is the first step to developing a good relationship with testing and will allow me to branch into other forms of testing, most interesting BDD with Cucumber.

We currently generate all of our Base classes using Codesmith which are based entirely on the tables in a database. This leads me to the ultimate question of my post. Do we test the examples we know we want out? Their can be methods that have multiple ways of Failing and multiple ways of Success, how do we know when to stop? Is it possible to write unit tests with Angular scenario? - SoCode. Is it possible to write unit tests with Angular scenario?

How do I write FileReader test in Jasmine? I'm trying to make this <em>test</em> work, but I couldn't get my head around how to <em>write</em> a <em>test</em> with FileReader. This is my code function Uploader(file) { this.file = file; } Uploader.prototype = (function() { function upload_file(file, file_contents) { var file_data = new FormData() file_data.append('filename', file_data.append('mimetype', file... I am writing unit tests on javascript with Jasmine. But is there a way to write them with Angular scenario? I know we can write e2e tests with Angular scenario.What about unit tests? Tags: javascript,testing Best way to write unit tests for dictionary Equals(map.getValues(), /*what should I put here*/); } the loop for (var key:* in map) iterates the keys of the dictionary map, but it seems its implementation does it in some random <em>way</em>.

What is the best way to write unit-tests in Dart? Tip: Testing AngularJS with Jasmine. Supplying Mocks for Services via $provide. Last time we talked about how to handle $http in a AngularJs unit test. This time around we are going to expand on this example by creating a ComplexService which takes the SimpleService as a dependency. Since our test for the ComplexService should not rely on the SimpleService we need to introduce a way to Mock our dependency. Our ComplexService is fairly trivial as it just processes the result from the SimpleService and sets a property if the fruit happens to be a banana And we have our unit test: As soon as we run the test we get a failure about an unexpected get request.

Chrome 28.0 (Mac) ComplexService handleData should set has money if the fruit is a banana FAILED Error: Unexpected request: GET /api/v1/fruits No more request expected This is happening because when AngularJs resolves the ComplexService it is using the real simple service, we do not want this to happen. To tell AngularJs to use another service besides the real SimpleService we need to use the $provide service. You got $http in my AngularJs Unit Tests. Back with our last episode we learned about AngularJs unit testing by getting our environment setup and created two simplified tests. You know what I hate about posts like that? The example is so trivial and never would exist outside of a simple getting started guide.

On that note lets expand things to include additional scenarios. In any AngularJs application chances are you are going to have to deal with ajax calls with $http. With that change our tests immediately failed. Error: Unexpected request: GET /api/v1/fruits No more request expected So how do we test this now that we added a dependency? $httpBackend $httpBackend is a fake http implementation provided to you in angular-mocks.js that allows you to test calls via the $http service. Adjusting our test The first thing you need to do is get the $httpBackend service from the inject() function in the beforeEach() beforeEach(inject(function(SimpleService, _$httpBackend_){ service = SimpleService; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;})); Rmurphey/js-assessment. Ruby on rails - Is it possible to test Angular without Karma. AngularJS in Action. Table of Contents, MEAP Chapters & Resources AngularJS is an innovative web framework from Google that extends the HTML vocabulary so you can create dynamic, interactive web applications in the same way you create standard static HTML pages.

Out of the box, Angular provides most of the functionality you'll need for basic apps, but you won't want to stop there. Because it's smart and intuitive, Angular practically begs you to build more interesting apps. It's easy to customize and extend, and it's designed to be readable and testable. AngularJS in Action covers everything you need to know to get started with the AngularJS framework. As you read, you'll explore all the individual components of the framework and learn how to customize and extend them. You'll discover the emerging patterns for web application architecture and tackle required tasks like communicating with a web server back-end. This book assumes you know at least a little JavaScript. Rails Conf 2013 The Magic Tricks of Testing by Sandi Metz.

Middway Testing

Testing Tools. Angular/angular-seed. Plunkers. End-to-End Testing. Unit Testing. General. AngularJS Testing | Parroty's Blog. Testing Directive After watching several videos from Mr. Miško Hevery, I’m getting to understand more on the testability consideration in AngularJS. The followings are some notes when I configured the environment. References Notes I’m now using Rails backend for angular-resource with ‘angularjs-rails’ gem file. Excerpt – karma.conf.js // list of files / patterns to load in the browser files = [ JASMINE, JASMINE_ADAPTER, // libraries 'test/javascripts/lib/angular.js', 'test/javascripts/lib/angular-resource.js', 'test/javascripts/lib/angular-sanitize.js', 'test/javascripts/lib/angular-mocks.js', 'test/javascripts/lib/jquery.js', // sources 'app/assets/javascripts/word.js', 'app/assets/javascripts/date_helper.js', // tests 'test/javascripts/src/*.js', ]; Like this: Like Loading...

Full-Spectrum Testing with AngularJS and Karma. Learn how to fully test your AngularJS application with Karma One of the major areas of AngularJS development which needs to be covered in better detail is how to test your application. But wait, how do you do that? How do you setup your test environment? How should you organize your code? It doesn't take much time to realize that testing JavaScript is difficult and finicky.

This page was first published on January 21st 2013 and was last updated on November 20th 2013. The major challenge when it comes to testing JavaScript is that it requires you to have a runner setup to test your code. Karma is an amazing testing tool which is designed to take all the frustration out of setting up a working test runner when testing JavaScript code. So before we get started with Karma, lets figure out how testing works with AngularJS... Testing in AngularJS isn't as easy as it looks (but then again testing anything on the front-end is pretty difficult). Click here to view the ngMidwayTester plugin. Testing Strategies for Angular JS.