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Loading Spinners With AngularJS and Spin.js. Spin.js is a tiny JavaScipt library that helps you create beautiful loading spinners on every web browser up from IE6.

Loading Spinners With AngularJS and Spin.js

It is highly customizable, fast, and has zero dependencies. I'm using it in my AngularJS application to display loading spinners inside my ng-views while my REST API responds with the data the view needs to render itself. I add a viewLoading boolean to the $scope of each controller that talks to the REST API. The initial value of viewLoading is true.

Angular ui-bootstrap pagination example. FrAngular : Google Charts Pie 1. Vertical accordion menu using jQuery and CSS3. The Blockquote Style › The Amazing Web. I got asked if I could make a CodePen with the signature blockquote style of

The Blockquote Style › The Amazing Web

So here we go. The difficulty with this styling is that every line has padding on every side which is not really possible with CSS because you can’t target single lines. But somehow we can manage to pull it off with three nested span elements. After some fiddling I asked Twitter and got a few different solutions from which I came up with this final markup. To be honest, I can’t really explain why or how it works. Angularjs tree directive. TylerGarlick/angular.flashr. Timeline. Text Highlight using i-frame. Ladda. "Hoverable" Tiles. Smooth-scroll & waypoints playing together.