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7 tools to back up your social media content. First Take Analysis: Facebook’s Crusade of Colonization « Web St. Facebook U.S. Visits Increase 194% Over Past Year; Tagged is Bea. New data released from Experian Hitwise reconfirms what we've known for some time: Facebook is killing the other social networks. Nowhere is that more true than here in the U.S. where they found that the visits to the site have increased 194% from September of last year to September 2009. However, it's Twitter that's seen the largest year-over-year increase in visits - during that same time period, they're up 1170%.

But one of the oddest findings being reported is how the social network known as Tagged is beating out Twitter for the number three spot in terms of visits. MySpace Declines, Facebook and Twitter Grow According to Experian, nearly 59% of all the social networking visits were visits to Facebook while only 30% were to MySpace - a 55% decrease in market share over the past year in terms of visits for the one-time king of social networks. Looking at just the year-over-year percent change may give you the impression that Twitter's popularity is through the roof. What? Friendly with doctor, but Facebook friends? -- August 18, 2009|By Karen Kaplan, Tribune Newspapers If you're on Facebook, you've likely faced this dilemma: Someone you know through your work has asked to become your online friend.

You don't want to be rude and say no, but you're also a bit queasy about giving professional acquaintances full access to your personal life online. What should you do? Dr. Sachin H. Jain encountered this problem in his second week of internship, when a woman whose baby he helped deliver as a medical student asked to become his Facebook friend.

As he writes in this week's New England Journal of Medicine, he was wary of allowing his former patient to see his list of friends, view his photos or read his personal blog. On the other hand, he didn't want to be a jerk. "The anxiety I felt about crossing boundaries is an old problem in clinical medicine, but it has taken a different shape as it has migrated to this new medium," he writes. What could go wrong? So how did Jain handle his patient's request? 5 Tips For Getting More from Facebook | Small Business Marketing. Facebook Pages / Public Profiles's Notes. Marketers’ Top Social Media: Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook. The study, which set out to understand how and why marketers are using social media to grow and promote their businesses, found that Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn and Facebook – in that order – are the top four social media tools used by marketers.

The research also included an analysis of nearly 700 open-ended responses, which revealed the top-three questions marketers are asking about social media: What are the best tactics to use? How to do I measure the effectiveness of social media? Where do I start? Results of the study are summarized below. Growing Use of and Interest in Social Media The survey began by gauging the depth and breadth of respondents’ use of social media to market their businesses. When asked to rate their experience level with using social media marketing for their businesses, 72% of marketers say they have either just started or have been using social media for only a few months. Significant Time Commitment to Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing Gets Attention. Too Many Online Friends? Time to Delete. Judge Awards $873M Fine for Spamming Facebook - News and Analysi. Note to self: do not spam Facebook. A Canadian citizen was slapped with an $873 million fine Friday for sending approximately 4 million spam e-mail messages to Facebook users – the largest judgment ever handed down for a violation of the federal CAN-SPAM Act.

In March and April 2008, Adam Guerbuez and his company, Atlantic Blue Capital, used Facebook login information obtained through phishing schemes and third parties to send spam advertisements for marijuana, male enhancement drugs, and sexually oriented material to users' Facebook "Walls" and e-mail inboxes. The messages would appear to be from a user's friend, but were actually placed there by autobots controlled by Guerbuez. Facebook sued Guerbuez in U.S.

District Court for Northern California in August. "The voluminous and illicit nature of defendants' advertisements has tainted the Facebook experience for affected Facebook users," Facebook wrote in its initial complaint. How Not to Be a Jerk in Facebook | Ahhh, Facebook. I’m not a giant fan. But, it is one place to reach out and connect with people, and I do maintain a Facebook profile there, so when I dip in to check things out, it reminds me that not everyone uses it the same way.

With that in mind, I had a few ideas I wanted to share. But as I went in to gather up some screenshots, I found a mix of the good and the bad of using Facebook, so it changes how I intended to write about it. Put up a HUMAN Picture Don’t put up your company logo, and don’t put up one of those scary yearbooky-looking business photos that some folks seem to use. Join a Few Groups- Not Just Your Company’s Group As people are starting to understand how Facebook makes an interesting place to run an official group, they are building campaigns around acquiring group members.

When Friending, Add a Line or Two I like this, because it’s a personable approach and he namedrops Baratunde Thurston. Stop Spamming Me Email Etiquette Bonus: Power Move Here’s a secret. Google's Secret Society.