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21 Days to a More Engaging Facebook Page – Day 13 Designing the Perfect Landing Page. Welcome to Day 13 of 21 Days to a More Engaging Facebook Presence Series (Click to watch in Full Screen HD) The purpose of this series is to help you build deeper relationships with your customers so you can create content they love interacting with, and products they can not live without In yesterday’s video you reflected on why Facebook, and what strategic goals do you have for establishing your presence and developing your relationships. We’ve also talked in other videos that the most powerful marketing doesn’t come from the problem you solve, but rather communicate that you understand the problem your prospective customer is having. Today, we’re going to parle all of this into how you can create the perfect “landing tab” for first time visitors to your Facebook Page.

The standard advice when it comes to landing tabs on Facebook. Create a page that offers “fan only” content. Now I’ll be honest, my landing page at the time of this writing follows the standard advice… But here’s the problem… 5 Things You Can Do To Spice Up Your Facebook Page. TweetTweet. How to Launch a LinkedIn Company Page. Recently, I was asked why it's important to have a company page on LinkedIn. To make sure we covered all of the bases, I turned to one of my favorite LinkedIn Guru's, Barbara Rozgonyi. Barbara not only delivered the why, but also the how! Your LinkedIn profile is at 100%. You know how to make connections. You belong to groups. Here's a quick guide to help you get started.

How to Set Up a LinkedIn Company Profile for Successful Solopreneurs Before we dig in, you must meet one very important requirement: you need to have an email address with your company domain. To add your company, click on 'Companies' in the navigation bar near the top of the home page. Did you know LinkedIn allows people to follow company updates? How to Complete Your LinkedIn Company Listing As a successful solopreneur, you already have everything it takes to set up your company profile in 30 minutes or less. Company NameMake sure the company name listing matches the name you use in your profile. Facebook tutoriel pour votre fan page | Etudes en marketing, Haute Ecole ISE : Vansnick R. En décembre, j’avais pensé utiliser une autre URL pour mon blog. Après mure réflexion, j’ai décidé de conserver ce blog. toutefois, vous pourrez le lire sur d’autres blogs : 1-.

Le blog/site de ma société. J’y ai posté le 9 janvier la mise à jour de mon guide/tutoriel pour créer une fan page Facebook. Si nous sommes en contact sur Twitter ou sur Facebook, vous avez dû le voir.. sinon, je vous le propose ci-dessous : Le document est téléchargeable via la page que j’ai récemment créée pour Dkoop. Faites également la promotion de votre Page 2-. 80 % des grandes entreprises utilisent le Cloud Computing. The 12 Best Ways To Customize Your Facebook Pages. When a service such as Facebook limits users’ creative freedom, it is inevitable that other add-on services will overcome this limitation. This is why then, we see more and more Facebook tab apps that give us more control and freedom when it comes to customizing a fan page or a personal profile.

I can’t really understand why Facebook doesn’t create an editor that lets users create a super fan page. I can only guess they don’t want to deal with it and prefer their uniform design, which may be boring but at least it is consistent and familiar. Instead, Facebook lets other people get creative and offer an array of Facebook related apps built on the API. I’ve written about this subject over, and over, and over again here at TechCrunch.

Please note that starting today, if you own a page on Facebook, you will need to customize the page under your tab to a width of 520 pixels. But I digress. Cost: 1 free page/ad supported. Tabfusion is an ultimate tab suite for your fan page and profile. 10 Successful Facebook Business Pages | Penn Olson. With Facebook launching its redesigned pages for businesses early this year, many have flocked into the social media site, hoping to leverage this free function to increase their online presence. And expectedly, not all pages turned out to be successful. In fact, most turned out to be disastrous. So, how do we define a successful page? And which are the businesses that made it? Although many of us believe in quantitative measures, the number of fans is definitely not the only yardstick to measure a page’s success.

In my opinion, a successful Facebook page needs to be engaging, updated and rewarding. 1. What’s on the wall? What’s Special? In a Sentence: Ben & Jerry’s is more than ice cream, it is a community. 2. What’s on the wall? What’s Special? In a Sentence: Creative and punchy messages that certainly work with the fans. 3. What’s on the wall?

What’s Special? In a Sentence: A sexy page indeed. What’s on the wall? What’s Special? In a Sentence: What the eff are you waiting for? 5. iTunes 6. 7. Comment créer un encart Contactez-nous sur votre Page Facebook | Descary. Vous avez une Page d’entreprise Facebook et quelques centaines de personnes y ont adhéré. Avez-vous pensé à y ajouter un encart (onglet) «Contactez-nous» à votre Page? Si vous offrez des produits ou services, ce formulaire permettra d’entrer facilement en contact avec vous. En gros, il y a deux façons d’ajouter un onglet «Contactez-nous» sur une Page d’entreprise Facebook. Vous pouvez tout simplement installer une application qui offre ce type de formulaire ou ajouter manuellement un formulaire de contact que vous aurez conçu en utilisant l’application Static FBML.

Utiliser une application Facebook Il existe plusieurs applications qui vous permettront d’ajouter rapidement un formulaire de contact. Elles fonctionnent très bien, mais elles ont le défaut de ne pas être très configurables et sont souvent uniquement offertes qu’en anglais. Par contre, elles sont extrêmement simples à installer. Créez votre formulaire Vous devez maintenant créer votre formulaire. Sauvegardez le fichier FBML. Présentation Des Pages Facebook De 18 Marques Françaises. A l’origine, cet article devait s’appeler « Les meilleures pages Facebook de marques françaises ». Cependant j’ai échoué à le réaliser dans la mesure où je trouve que les pages facebook de marques françaises sont moins bien réussies que leurs homologues américaines, surtout au niveau de l’engagement des fans.

Force est de constater que l’on trouve encore des grandes marques françaises avec des pages comportant des problèmes techniques ou esthétiques. J’ai donc dû faire des compromis. D’une part en éliminant ces marques. Après une première sélection, j’ai classé les pages en fonction du nombre de fans et non pas en fonction de la page Facebook la plus réussie. Enjoy! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Comment réussir votre campagne pub sur Facebook? | Formations Webmarketing vidéos. 10 Do's and Don'ts for Facebook Pages.

Facebook Tests New Pages Discovery Tool. How We Got To 40,310 Facebook Fans In 4 Days. When we took over the Facebook Fan page for Weekly World News , they had 3,244 fans. 4 days later, we had 40,310 fans– 10 times larger. We’re going explain exactly how we did it in this exclusive article for In the coming days, we’ll demonstrate how fans translate into trackable revenue, how to perform analytics, integrating social widgets (Open Graph Protocol) with your site, and other aspects of effective Facebook marketing.

But today we’re looking only at growing your fan base quickly. A few weeks ago, Facebook made some massive changes– more of your personal data as publicly available, you could like something from a website (as opposed to only from Facebook), community pages launched to challenge Wikipedia, and so forth. But the biggest change in our mind was that “become a fan ” was changed to just “like”. The user doesn’t know what they’re liking– the cute saying, the underlying page, the website they’re on, or their friend’s remark. Give them a reason why.