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h392pmp Shared by rlhez. Facebook Launches Ad Targeting by Topic. Facebook recently added the ability to target advertisements by Topic, as detailed in its new Interests Targeting guide (.PDF). Rather than targeting users that Like a specific Page, advertisers can simultaneously target all users who Like any variation of a word or phrase. For example, rather than just targeting fans of Lady Gaga, by selecting the #Lady Gaga Topic, an ad will also be shown to fans of any unofficial Pages for the musician, such as “I ♥ Lady Gaga”. The new targeting option, available in both the self-serve ads tool and the Ads API, will help advertisers expand the reach of their ads to more relevant users.

It will be especially handy for less experienced advertisers who might not know to explicitly target keywords related an interest of their customers. Topics also now appear as targeting suggestions. Topic Targeting Strategies. Bien comprendre les statistiques Facebook liées aux campagnes publicitaires. On continue aujourd’hui notre dossier Facebook marketing. Pour rappel, la dernière fois nous avions vu les best practices pour créer et optimiser les campagnes. Aujourd’hui, nous allons voir comment bien comprendre et exploiter les différentes statistiques fournies par Facebook via sa plate-forme publicitaire mais aussi via l’espace d’administration des pages… Comme toutes campagnes de marketing on-line, une analyse des statistiques est indispensable pour un pilotage optimal et un contrôle du ROI.

Pour analyser les performances de vos campagnes, vous allez pouvoir étudier les statistiques de la plate-forme publicitaire ainsi que celles de la page, en les croisant vous aurez une vue globale de l’impact de vos campagnes. Commençons par les statistiques publicitaires. Statistiques de la plate-forme publicitaire… Lorsque vous vous connectez à la plate-forme publicitaire, vous arrivez sur l’écran avec l’ensemble de vos campagnes. Statistiques de la page… Voilà un exemple : Facebook Enhances Analytics to Enable Smarter Ad Targeting for Marketers. Seems like the team over at Facebook has been eating their Wheaties. Now that Timeline for brand pages and Premium Advertising is all rolled out, they've stepped up their game yet again with some brand new -- extremely robust -- analytics that I'm sure they hope will encourage marketers and business owners to spend more (and better targeted) dollars on their ad platform.

Facebook hasn't made the official announcement yet, but luckily our friends at TechCrunch were able to get an inside scoop. Let's take a look at the changes Facebook has rolled out so you can determine if the improvements will make starting -- or increasing -- your Facebook ad spend worth your while. Honestly? What's New in Facebook Ads Manager In the past, Facebook's Ads API only allowed marketers to target their ads to users based on pretty basic things -- like clicks, likes, or checkins.

Here's a preview of the new interface, courtesy of TechCrunch: So, what downstream conversion events can you now optimize for? Retargeting: Marketing a Product Post Launch | Mindvalley Insights for Online Marketing Techniques - Vimperator - FF13 - Developper. So your product launch may be perfectly in place but how does your post launch strategy fare? According to Product Launch Manager and App Developer Jonathan Drake a.k.a. Mr Product Launch, many businesses fail to follow through post product sales and as such, are losing out on valuable sales conversions. The goal is to learn how to retarget visitors through specific campaigns.

By doing so, you can provide strategic opportunities to visitors, and prospects, to take the desired course of action. Jonathan is so serious about sharing his proprietary strategy, he’s even graphed out the complete sequence to guide you along the process, with the option to customize the flow according to your campaign. In just 10-minutes you can get the full scoop on Jonathan’s retargeting strategy and get the most out of your post product launch period. Got any questions or anything to add to Jonathan’s retargeting sequence? — Guest Post.