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Ergonomie / Accessibilité. When to use which CSS methodology. Over the years more and more CSS methodologies started to appear.

When to use which CSS methodology

In this post we try to find the right CSS methodology for a certain situation, because there just isn’t the perfect one for every situation, unfortunately. Alright then, let’s dive right into this abyss. I just want to create a single page or a simple site. The content is mostly text and maybe a form or two. There aren’t any co-workers, just me (and my cat). 👉 Keep it simple and style HTML elements directly without using classes. We’re a medium sized team. . 👉 Use BEM, SUIT, SMACSS, ITCSS, Enduring CSS etc. We’re a big company with many different teams. . 👉 Use JSX , JSS (or a similar CSS-in-JS library). That’s probably the 3 main uses cases, but there are lots more situations that have their own specific needs: I want to get started with a prototype . 👉 Use a “single purpose class” library like TACHYONS or BASSCSS . Our project has lots of states, lots of things that need to be updated at runtime. 👉 Use a CSS-in-JS library.

Frontend Guidelines Exercise. I’m helping my client’s web development team establish some frontend guidelines as we roll up our sleeves to build a new website from the ground up.

Frontend Guidelines Exercise

We’ve done a projects together in the past, but (naturally) they were on pretty pretty tight deadlines, so despite our best intentions the team’s code consistency fell by the wayside as we raced to the finish line project. Sound familiar? We’re determined to fight that entropy this time around, and I thought of a fun little exercise to do with the team to get everyone on the same page at the beginning of the project. Here’s what we did: 1. This might sound crazy, but developers on your team might have opinions on how to write frontend code. I created a frontend guidelines questionnaire to help facilitate these conversations. Ant Design - One Design Language for UI. - Prototypes that feel real.

Stéphanie Walter : design et mobile, UX et UI - Ici on parle de webdesign, d'UX, de mobile, de HTML/CSS mais pas que. Stéphanie Walter : design et mobile, UX et UI. Five Ways to Animate Responsibly. It’s been two years since I wrote about “Flashless Animation” on this very site.

Five Ways to Animate Responsibly

Since then, animation has steadily begun popping up on websites, from sleek app-like user interfaces to interactive magazine-like spreads. It’s an exciting time for web animation wonks, interaction developers, UXers, UI designers and a host of other acronyms! But in our rush to experiment with animation it seems that we’re having fewer conversations about whether or not we should use it, and more discussions about what we can do with it. We spend more time fretting over how to animate all the things at 60fps than we do devising ways to avoid incapacitating users with vestibular disorders. I love web animation. So here are five bits of advice we can use to pull back from the edge of animation abuse.

Animate deliberately Sadly, animation is considered decorative by the bulk of the web development community. This stigma is hard to shake. It takes more than twelve principles Useful and necessary, then beautiful. UXPin - UX Design, Wireframing Tools, Prototyping Tools. ATELIER WEBDESIGN 1. PaloAltours AtelierWebDesign Android. UXPin - UX Design, Wireframing Tools, Prototyping Tools. Stéphanie Walter : design et mobile, UX et UI - Ici on parle de webdesign, d'UX, de mobile, de HTML/CSS mais pas que. Stéphanie Walter : design et mobile, UX et UI.