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The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty. Inexpensive Way to Whiten your Teeth at Home. Post from: You want to keep updated? Please LIKE Beauty Tips 4 Her On Facebook. A car salesman will always try to convince you that the most expensive vehicle is the best for you, and since you have no knowledge about the subject you would probably fall into his net. It might sound a bit far-fetched to say that a dentist would recommend an expensive teeth whitening procedure just for the sake of better payouts, but I wouldn’t take the chance. Even specialists accept the fact that existing techniques are not completely harmless, although they emphasize the fact that low risks are taken. I am a sucker for beautiful smiles, so it goes without saying that I religiously use this teeth whitening procedure, and the effects are self-evident.

Step 1: — Mix 1/2 part of hydrogen peroxide to 1/2 part of Listerine (or any mouthwash) then gargle the mixture for about a minute and rinse out the mouth. Thank you for Visiting!! DIY Hair Treatments. Do It Yourself: Creative Hairstyles. Send this out to your girlfriend pronto ! 20 Amazing Eye Makeup Tutorials. Eye makeup is very important. Eyes represent the entire character of anybody. Because eyes are the most substantial segment of our face. Eyes are classified as an entrance towards the heart and soul that demonstrate your internal natural beauty. Women of all ages wish for gorgeous eyes.

Edible Sugar Lip Scrub: Husband Approved. It’s date night. Kiddies are home with the sitter and you are all dressed up with your man at dinner. He leans in for a smooch on the lips, then quickly jerks away with surprise and horror in his face. The offender? Your sandpaper-crackly lips. Nothing says “Kiss me” more than dry crackling lizard lips! I don’t know about you, but during this time of the year my lips have the most difficult time staying soft. No joke. But it got even worse! Don’t hide your eyes with what I am about to reveal to you… this is real. Yes, these are how horrible my lips were getting.

The solution? So here is an at home remedy to exfoliate and condition your smackers with ingredients you have around the house. Grab some coconut oil, brown sugar, and honey. Combine 1 tsp. of each. I added a little almond extract just because the smell makes me happy. Mix them until you get a paste-like substance. Note: I found these little bead containers work perfect for keeping my scrub in the fridge. And what did I use? Xo.